Looking for a guild for M+

Hail. I’m looking for a guild with a bunch of gamers that farm M+ dungeons and are good at the video game without being obnoxious weirdos about it.

I’m just returning to the game (been back for just under 2 weeks) and I play just about everything and am liable to swap toons depending on the buffs and nerfs for S2, but for the end of this season and start of S2 my plan is to run keys on an Enh Shaman, Blood DK, and Resto Druid.

I am looking for people that play at a high level, are on regularly, are fun to game with, but don’t have rigid set groups that will make it hard to find people to run real keys. I generally end up quitting due to frustration with pugs so I’m trying to resolve that and have a good time in S2.

It would be awesome if the community happened to be some other 30+ people, but I am not expecting to find that specifically. I’m 36, a dad with a wife and 2 kids, a veteran, and I am just looking for like-minded people to get stuff done. I will be raiding as well in some capacity but I don’t like to schedule nights for gaming in case I end up doing family stuff instead. I do play a lot though and would make a great backup raider that will have 3 heroic raid ready toons that I can bring occasionally if somebody in your raid force doesn’t show up!

Let me know if you think I might be a good fit for your guild or have any questions. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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i think these two things go hand in hand. havnt ever met someone good at the game that wasnt at least a little weird.

Nah I’ve met plenty of good players that are normal people and just enjoy playing the game. It’s definitely hard to find a community full of them, but here’s to hoping!

Also, weird as in quirky is fine. Weird as in “socially incompetent neckbeard that can only play WoW and lacks the social skills to have a conversation about normal stuff” is what I’m trying to avoid.

My guild and I are always looking for more people to play M+ with–especially in Season 2 as I think a group/groups of us are looking to try to push early. I tend to play a bit more than others so I end up pugging a lot–especially now toward end of season when everybody is on break.

I dont think we have neckbeard energy although my guild is a bit younger than me so I give off boomer/dad energy as I’m in my 40s.

We have a group of guildies that like to push up to +10 in order to get mythic track gear. We could probably push higher if we wanted to but don’t really as we are mostly in it for the gear and crests.

Feel free to add me and we can talk more Mooch#1330

Yeah. What he said.

I found a guild, but ty! However, I’m always looking for more people to play with. Maybe we can link up sometime and run some keys and see how we do. If you want, drop your Btag and I can add you or message me if you see me on in game and I’ll add you.