Looking for a guild audit addon to replace GuildCheck (formerly "ES_GuildCheck")

Does anyone have any suggestions for addons that audit changes to guilds? Mainly referring to members leaving and joining, rank changes, note changes, level changes, basically anything that can be pulled from the guild roster (aside from current zone which isn’t very helpful).

The prior addon I used for this was called GuildCheck (ES_GuildCheck a long time ago) and hasn’t been maintained for over 6 years. I was lucky that it stayed functional for so long after, but with 11.0’s release it now cannot parse the guild roster correctly. It was first on Wowinterface and then on Curseforge but because of how inactive it was, it isn’t even listed on CF anymore. Below is the old link on WI which gives the exact description:

Since it isn’t actually throwing errors, discovering the issue via manual additions of debugging code goes above the time I have available, so I was looking for maybe a more modern replacement.

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From checking the linked addon (definately throwing errors), it looks like LibGuild finally broke (last updated 2008). I could tell you how to fix it but if you can find a maintained addon that does what you want then that would probably be best.

It doesn’t throw errors on my client, as BugSack displays nothing from it or the library you mentioned. The addon seems to instead give up and assume that the entire guild’s roster has left. :joy:

The version I checked was straight from the download link you provided. Maybe your’s contains fixes from previous API changes?

That link is older than my current version, yes; it was moved to CurseForge after some time but that project is no longer visible due to its inactivity.

Ok, I didn’t make that connection. There is probably something like some version checking stopping it from erroring.

I’m still trying to figure out why it’s throwing errors on initial login (GetGuildRosterInfo is returning nil but wtf why?) but Guild Delta (https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/guild-delta) is still “working” (two minor-ish API updates needed, see below) with logging/tracking roster changes after a /reloadui which is… something? (Also possibly just straight up working if there’s nobody from outside a given connected realm in said guild, but YMMV.)

  • Find-and-replace GuildRoster() with C_GuildInfo.GuildRoster() and also replace a couple lines near the end as per my most recent/the last comment on the addon page (omitting actual code here for brevity’s sake).