Looking for a Guild [A]


My husband and I just came to this server, starting over on new characters. We are looking for a friendly and active guild! We took a break during the Holiday’s from Thanksgiving until now, but honestly only really quit because our raid group fell apart. We have two characters that pushed M+ 2200 and 2400, and almost cleared heroic. Just so everyone knows we’re not super new :slight_smile: !

We are looking for a more casual guild that is more about hanging out with friends! We don’t want to raid, as that just happened because we had enough people to do so at the time. We would enjoy still doing M+, but not every night like we were before!

We don’t role play, came here because of all the posts saying the community here is great!



Hello there! Dropping our guild info here:


Recidivus is a primarily social and m+ community. We’re running M+ on a nightly basis, but it isn’t required to hang out. We just like to chat too! More chill friends are always welcome. <3

Hope to hear from you!