Hey there! My main is a 417 ilvl 2.8k io Prevoker, but not many of my friends that I push with, or guildies do a lot of alt keys, and I tend not to pug. I’d like to play my alts more often, so I’m posting here!
I’m looking for some people who would like to do some 10-16+ keys that need a healer, I have knowledge of the current dungeons and my alts are all classes that I’ve mained before in the past. I’m pretty chill and I’m not going to get mad or rage at wipes or depleted keys. 
If there are any groups running these level keys that need a healer, leave your info below so we can chat, and times can be discussed!
My alts:
396 Resto Druid, 1343 io.
392 Holy Priest, 404 io.
(I also have a very fresh MW Monk, just dinged the other week so she has a way to go still)
Hi Seinara, Our guild’s Mythic+ team would welcome you as a new member to run keys on your alts. We are currently trying 10+ and aiming for KSM for our members by the end of the season. We have a scheduled guild run on Sunday at 3 PM Eastern Time for 1.5 hours, but other than that it’s whenever a member proposes to run a key usually in the late evening. Sounds like we might be a good match. Please let me know Discord: teglin#8859.
Community and Guild For N/H raiding and Mythic+ - Recruitment / Communities Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
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Hey I would be interested in some alt keys! I have two toons around 2700-2900 and would love to just chill some nights and blast low keys on Alts. Add me on discord (: Brucesmorc#5347
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Thanks for the offers, I’ll add you both soon!
hey i have an army of alts i do keys on each week… bridge#1686 always looking for more people to run keys with