Over the last month or so we have been actively recruiting in hopes of getting a raid up and going, sadly we have had a lot show interest to later back out.
We would like to change strategy and want to chat with others in similar situations about a collaboration or possible merger.
Who we are.
A group of 5-7 players 1 Tank (who is currently a raid DPS and M+ tank), 1 possible healer and 5 DPS. Some of us are former CE raiders and most of us are active M+ runners/AoTC raiders. (we do have a couple floaters in the mix that could be more active if/when the raid is more concrete.)
What our guild is.
The guild is a Social casual guild, it is not a reflection on the core raid group nor is the core raid group a reflection of the guild. Up to this point it has been mostly M+ with some PvP.
What we want.
A core group of people to raid with, a group that has the other half of the raid we are missing. (we are lacking healers though).
We don’t have to commit to a merger though for optics it would be nice, even if we create a separate raid guild for our main raiders and leave alts to their respective guilds I am cool with that. (I will have to talk to other on our team if they are good with that idea, just throwing it out there) A community could also be the bridge to this collaboration.
We want people who play the game, if all you want to do is raid a not interact with anyone we are not the group for you.
Area of focus.
AoTC - This is a simple goal, get AoTC in a timely manor; farm the raid for as close to BiS as we can get to prep for next season(tier).
M+ - Currently 10’s or 2500-3000k ratings are the goal. While not a requirement it is pretty beneficial to the progression of your characters. At the very least running 6’s (or what ever the number is in TWW) to get the highest upgrade crests should be a priority for all the core raid.
Reply here with our btag/discord and I will add you for further discussions.
I may be a little slow to add you on weekends.