Looking for a group of older adults

Looking for an older adult group to run and raid with that has possibly more than 1 or 2 people on at a time. I only play here and there because of work schedules, mostly Sun and Mon. But would like to have a good group of folks to hang with.

Hi, Palotroll. Iā€™m the GM of <Murloc with a Glock> (9/9H), an active and social guild thatā€™s perfect for players looking for a fun, casual group. We have an open raid team that would be perfect with your schedule. Definitely reach out, Iā€™d be happy to talk more with you about joining.

We raid Friday and Saturday from 8 to 10:30 pm CST.

You can reach me for any questions or to apply here:

Bnet: Astro#18157

Discord: mwgastro

And you can read our full posting here:

Our Guild [Potency-Stormrage] may be a good fit for you.
We are looking for all types of gamers. We accommodate raiders, key runners and casual/socials.

Our guild is home to a Mythic raid team and a coordinated Mythic+ community, but we also have a discord where we talk about anything and everything for anyone who just wants a nice place to hang out.

Add me so we can chat!
Discord: victoriakins
Btag: VictoriaKins#1971

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Hi Palotroll! Depending on what times you are available, we might be a good fit. Weā€™re a mature group of laid-back folks and are open to players with busy work schedules. Iā€™m not sure if you are looking to raid or if you prefer to do your own thing, but either way hereā€™s our info in case we are a good fit:

We raid Wednesdays and Mondays (10pm - 12:30am EST / 9p - 11:30p CST / 8p - 10:30p MST / 7p - 9:30p PST) with a focus on AOTC.

If we sound like what you are looking for, then feel free to reach out with any questions or get started by filling out our quick app. Good luck in your search!

The basics: ā€˜[H] <TM> 13yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 1/9M-9/9H Amir; 9/9H Aberrus; 8/8H-2/8M VoI | LF DPS/Hybrids!ā€™
More info: themetalguild . com

Hello, I belong to a wonderful guild called Synchronicity on Wyrmrest Accord.

Our age range seems to be 30s and up, with several of us in our 40s or 50s. Weā€™re mature, friendly, we enjoy helping each other, and we always have a lot of fun.

We are cross-faction. Wyrmrest Accord is a role-playing server, but we donā€™t RP within the guild. We also have a community, so a server transfer isnā€™t necessary. Here is the code to join that: JrP0PxbfnW9

As season 3 is winding down, things are a bit quiet. But that just makes this the perfect time to come on in, have some soup, and make yourself at home.

Thanks for reading!
Questions? You can contact me on Discord if you like: sybilmeows

About Empyrean

Hey there! I will keep it mostly short and sweet! Empyrean is a long standing Guild that has resided on Moon Guard since 2017. We are a group of friends who love to hang out together on WoW, or even other games together! Most of us are in our late 20s - early 30ā€™s with 9 to 5 jobs and understand that life can keep you busy. So we spend as much time as we can hanging out, doing M+, some Pvp, and Old T-Mog Raids!!

Raid Team Recruitment

Currently, we are rebuilding a raid team since we had real life kinda hit us like a truck and caused us as a guild to need to take time off. When we came back, half of our raid team had moved on to other situations and those of us who are left are interested in rebuilding and moving on. Currently we are recruiting for a 2/3/9 or 2/4/12 group size!

Raiding Expectations

We expect everyone will come to raid gemmed, enchanted, & preferably 10 minutes early. Please have knowledge of your class and role you play, be willing to ask questions as needed and donā€™t be afraid to let us know if you are struggling. We will always do our best to help you out! For attendance, we would prefer you make it to at the very least 80% of our raid nights. As stated before we know life can get busy and as long as you let us know that you will be late/missing ((if you can of course, barring an emergency then please put yourself/the situation first.)) all will be well.

Side Note - The guild will almost ALWAYS provide food & flasks for everyone. If you need/want potions to pop we also have those too.

  • Raid Team: AOTC Focused
  • Progression: 9/9N & 6/9H
  • Times: Thursday & Friday: 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM (CST)
  • Needs: Ranged DPS, and Healers. (Everyone is encouraged to apply but we are pretty full on melee at the moment.)

Other Stuff

We love running Mythic + and few of us are really interested in pushing high keys or just running mythic + in general! We also enjoy Transmog & Achievement runs, as well as a bit of PVP on the side.

A lot of our guildies enjoy playing other games together such as Minecraft, Helldivers, Destiny, LoL, and many other things I cannot remember off the top of my head!

As an aside, Server Transferring is NOT required for you to join us! Though weā€™d love to have you!!

Interested in Joining or Learning More? Contact

  • Tavaena / Tatiana - Guild Master
  • Kaeyriel - Co GM/Raid Leader
  • Discord - trinket.heart or radiantyeen
  • BTag - GlitchFox #11676

We hope to hear from you soon!!!

I do appreciate the invite but kind of looking for more of my age group. Older meaning 40 to 55 range.

Good evening. Jazybelle was talking to you above about my guild. Just to clarify about age. Myself and and others are pushing 50. We have members older then that also members in their 30s. We are on a realm called Wrymrest Accord. It is a RP realm but we do not RP. It is a very populated realm as well. We know that teal life comes first and is important. So there is never any pressure to play. We all pay to play as well so play what ever class you enjoy. Their are many different tyoes of playstyles as well. Completely understand if you are looking for just over 50 year olds though. I wish you the best of luck in finding your home!!

Greetings Palotroll!

My husband and I run our guild, and while he does not play anymore (but is still GM), we are both over 40. Or over 45. But whoā€™s countingā€¦

Anyways, check us out:

WARCRAFT is a highly active, raiding guild on the merged realms of Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh, and we are recruiting!

AOTC focused Guild established in March of 2015. We have nearly every AOTC since Highmaul and usually dip our toes into mythic.

Core spots available. We are looking for reliable players to push progression and end game content.

The raid schedule:
Tuesday 8:30p-11:30p EST
Thursday 8:30p-11:30p EST

Current progression:
9/9 N
8/9 H

You are expected to be on time with flasks, pots, enchants, gems, and smiles. If you need something, just ask! We are a TEAMWORK-oriented guild.

The atmosphere:

We offer a highly active, social, teamwork oriented, adult environment. We believe in player development, including gearing and training players without elitism or cliques. We do not have any ilvl requirements to join our guild. Gear can be easily obtained, but good people are priceless. :slight_smile:

ā€œSpecial snowflakeā€ accommodations, safe spaces, and ā€œpreferred pronounsā€ not available. Must understand the difference between helping and having control issues. If ex-military leadership causes triggers or meltdowns, this is probably not the guild for you.

Guild Discord server available for your voice chatting needs.

Contact information:
Zoobee-Khadgar (First Officer) (zoobee#1855)
zoobee27 (zoobee#8147)