Looking for a fresh start - Server questions

Hello all, I am thinking about rolling a new priest fresh on this server as I dont have any characters on here. I am just wondering if its a horde populated server and all that good stuff?

I will be looking to level, gear, Raid, M+ and PVP.


Zul’jin is a high populated Horde server. Zul’jin has a decent amount of guilds and communities. If you happen to make it to Zul’jin, and in need of a guild you should check out Found a Green Quest.

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Thank you for this information!

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Just be warned, a lot of the horde guilds on this server have left people in a traumatic state they no longer wish to be in a guild… you’ll hear a lot of stories if you talk to the guildless players on Zul’jin (Horde)

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