Looking for a decent casual progression guild

Hey! I’m Dae. My husband and I run a guild on Gurubashi. I can relate to a lot of your post. We have an older guild, Antiquated. the average age is probably late 30s-mid 40s. Most in our guild raid and we have anywhere from 15-20 show up on raid nights. There are quite a few of us that are on quite a bit. Being that we’re older, we all have rl obligations that come first though. We are currently looking for another healer for our raid and a few more. Our tank spots for raids are full, I know you mentioned you had other toons not sure how willing you are to play them. But for dungeons we could always use another tank. You guys seem like you could be a good fit. We are 10/10 normal and 1/10 heroic. We have a laid back atmosphere. We aren’t a hardcore guild. We don’t bench, you can play w/e dps you want, numbers don’t matter, we just ask that you try to keep up with your gear. We make sure and try to take care of everyone as best we can as far as the weekly chests go. A quirky bunch but good people. Very welcoming to new ppl. We’d love to chat with you if you’re interested and have you come along on a raid and a few mythics to see what we’re like. Hope to hear from you soon, and if not, then gl with your journey!