Looking for a date or friends to go to the TOA with in August

This is going to sound kind of dumb, because I posted about this crap before but I’m looking for potentional dates or date or friends for my character Malikor to go to the TOA with. My partner that was going to go with me doesnt want to play anymore he’s just not enjoying the game at the moment . That being said if its a date Preferably I would prefer another Kaldorei companion preferably male but hey like I said i’ll go with anyone and have fun I just don’t want to go alone. It’s a reason i don’t attend events I get tired of going alone.to them To keep it simple incase there is anyone interested in taking him out on a date to it a little back story to my character he’s undergoing a bit of a transformation and lifestyle change lol . He has a preference for men it would be nice to get to know a character and what better way than going to TOA? So why another Kaldorei? . My character has a hard time connecting with his people and has always felt like a bit of an outcast so someone who wants to help him with that is a story I would love to build on at some point. He’s a character that has a hard time speaking his native tongue after a head injury as a youngin but with some help he can speak a bit of it . Anyways I could ramble on and on and this took guts I don’t have i tried my best to carefully select my wording I just enjoy character building stories and relationships if you read this far and didn’t get bored feel free to whisper me in game if you see me around thanks for reading?


OMGosh… I think I remember your previous post! Wasn’t there some juicy drama about another estranged partner showing back up ??? Like, back from the dead or something like that?!.. Great big ol messy love triangle, Yes!?!..

sorry… i sorta love juicy romance dramas…

and CRAP! … TOA is like… SOON!.. ooof…

anywho… friendly bump! Hope you find what you are looking for. :two_hearts:


Thank you Yveti. you’ve always been so nice to me. But I’m going to be honest I don’t have alot of faith right now. It’s not looking positive to be honest not to be Debbie Downer .I cannot make people go with me nor does the following I’m about to say has me secretly hoping someone will take pity on me and go with me lmao. But this game makes it increasingly more difficult to remain positive as of late with the interactions I’ve had doing content. It’s been hit or miss it’s not the RP communities fault but it hits different when the person affected has been your RP partner for 4 years. I carry some guilt from not sticking up for my friend during a crappy dungeon run I froze. The were being bullied. I have a bit of a soft heart but also anxiety and a freeze response in toxic situations and in content when I encounter them . I may just skip toa and focus on other things .Hell thought about playing Red dead as well or finishing Baulders Gate . Before the pre patch that drops in late July. I get very tired of attending events on my own sometimes . I debated perhaps even doing a booth as my character is a blacksmith I suppose it would give me something to do as well as research more offering weapon repairs even selling or trading weapons to meet new people or friends but I’m shy lol. I also know so many people do this anyway and I worry if upset people and make them think I was leeching ideas from them or something. I’ve avoided the majority events this year minus the World’s Trade fair. Which I did have a ton of fun at. I generally love meeting new people I just don’t know where to start, some events are just not the same when you don’t have a partner or friends to enjoy it with I mean sure it may even be a great place to meet people but I don’t even know where to start to find an active Rp partner I’d love a more active Rp partner, I know right now we’re all just kind of waiting for the new expansion so It’s not so busy right now . But lately my perspective of the game has changed. I mostly alt tab while playing mostly and do art Majority of the time unless I’m whispered or something.

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Yes… yes… yes and Yes!.. You’re not alone in all these experiences Mal, (can I call you Mal?.. I mean, I’m prolly gonna end up calling you Maly at some point anyways :laughing:) I have personally experienced all manor of toxicity in this game. Truth be told, I’m not sure I’ve completed all of the DF dungeons even on normal difficulty because of how hateful LFG people had been. PvP is even worse if you can’t dedicate 10hrs a day to “Get Guud, noob”… sigh Mostly I just tinker around on reputations nd solo story quests and older content Mog / toy / mount hunting. Current content and the driving model for Mythics & Raids… yeah, maybe if I had a more solid group of close people, but as a Suuuuuper casual player, that’s next to impossible.

So what has kept me in WoW?.. Role Play. But with a demanding home life and work, it’s hard to dedicate time to it, so being part of an in-depth and progressive story arc is problematic for me, and not fair to the others to have to be waiting on me. Now, add in the flood of inappropriate RP attempts and I had really been questioning why I’m still subscribed.

Thats when I remember the things like the Tournament of Ages, the World’s Faire Carnival, The Grand Alliance community, Stowmwind Weekly Market, The Silvermoon Market, all the The Cast Company’s hosted RP Events and even the smaller, weekly RP hubs like the Rusty Nail and the Whispering Pines Tavern and so so many other’s … all these fantastic, player-driven, player-hosted, player-loved platforms to engage your character. Like Dlion posted in the forums earlier, Moon Guard truly is a wonderful place full of fantastic people. It just takes a little time and patience. Trust me, I’m an extrovert for sure… but only after I get to know people/events. Until then, I’m pretty much a wallflower.

Consistency is key! Please, don’t give up. Come to the ToA even if it’s just to walk around solo for 20mn on a Wednesday night and you don’t get to enjoy the rest of the event at all (yeah, that was my 2023 ToA experience! lol). Trust me Maly, you will be thankful that you didn’t miss it afterwards. It is truly a marvel of RP togetherness organized by all the people who generally love the true elements of Role Playing in WoW.



WOW… must really be something special if Cranky, Grumpy DK Yveti responded to it!!!..

(teehee, sorry, was swapped over on characters there. :blush:)

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I do wish I shared your enthusiasm but I am very close to just admitting defeat no I don’t mean im.stopping rp .I mean going to events and that’s okay at this point my depression has returned to a degree and my self worth is being savagely attacked in rl at my job. if I go to ToA it’s to support a friend whose performing they want me there so I’ll go to at least that. .But most Events just are not the same when you feel so lonely in game and I’m sure I’m not the only one who has felt and are feeling that right now. I’m shy and my character doesn’t exactly follow lore I wrote his own story and back story which get compliments on all the time for. Also I’m always looking for more people to do content if you ever want to let me know and yes you can call me Mal or Mally lol. I too love to do content. Just not PvP I stink at it like lol. I like to do mythics time walks when they are the weekly and just generally help people where I can my monk is 519 and is becoming my new main lol I get the smaller group thing to do things with that’s my jam . I seem to have more luck there than the RP department maybe you can help me with that. Guess due to my specific preferences things will take time.and it may not happen at all my partner aside from RPing with me just doesn’t enjoy the game anymore. I know I’ve seen you in game before lol . Moon guard is a good place I just are having a hard time right now . I am generally well liked so I heard. But I’d love to find a crowd I fit in with that just grows from there where my character could find another partner i could attend events with. I like to have multiple partners because of one or two is busy I’ll have others I can ask to do things content is a bonus too if they do that. I’ve been here for a long time 3 years and my patience some times dwindles sometimes .I am not much of an extrovert but an introvert. My stress levels are a bit higher due to work related stress and new nightmare management as well so this doesn’t help me here . I have been to some of the events you mentioned in the past I but I always end up leaving as I feel as if I have a hard time fitting in with crowds. Maybe we can help each other out feel free to whisper me in game I’m always on.


I understand the weight of depression all too well. I’m actually diagnosed with major clinical depression myself. No one can ever really tell though with how positive and chipper I always try to portray myself. ( my doc calls it the Robbin Williams Effect… :disappointed_relieved: ). TMI to share in an open forum, I know, but I wanted you to know you’re not alone in that type of struggle and to tell you how important Self-Care truly is! Depression is a monster that sinks you deeper and deeper and those Lows are tremendously hard to crawl up from. Know that you are Loved and that the people in your life genuinely do want to help, but with depression, it sadly boils down to a solo battle most of the time.

On to more positive things, YAS! I would totally love to meet up n RP sometime! I’m gonna add you to my friends list next time I pop on! Now… truth be told, most of my WoW time lately has been in the Pandaria Remix leveling up my Alt army (I haaaaaate leveling alts, so the remix has been perfect!.. Plus, toys n mounts n mogs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: ) but mark my words…

eerie ominous music

… Imma find you!


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I look forward to you hunting me down xD if I hear boss music playing I’ll know it’s you <3

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Are you speaking about the Tournament of Ages? That is in August? I have never been, but I noticed that it is a massive event and I have always wanted to join an event like that. I have some questions for you, if you don’t mind answer.

  1. What do you mean when you say that you don’t exactly follow lore?
  2. You said your requirements are pretty specific, so what are they?
  3. Is your character only interested in Kaldorei?
  4. Do you take partners to events only, or do you have sessions together elsewhere?
  5. What role play themes do you enjoy?
  6. What characters, features, creeds etc. do you absolutely refuse to accept or partake in with a partner?

Just a little curious.


Yes I am speaking about The Tournament of Ages. and these are all great questions Jude, so to answer your questions I will try to the best of my ability please bear with me also due to my slight learning disability my grammar isn’t always the greatest so I do apologize for that. When it comes to Kaldorei my character is interested in them on a romantic level if they are men only as my character is gay and would like a Kaldorei partner to help him reconnect with his people as he actually has a hard time speaking his own tongue due to a severe head injury he had as a child while fleeing from a horde invasion that forced him and his family to evacuate when he was young. He has gotten much better after some teachings but because of that. Someone who can continue teaching him would be an asset and a kaldorei would be the most ideal and it would be a scene I would love to play out and see if some bond or such forms. Also someone who would take him to events surrounding the Kaldorei culture as he had disconnected himself from most of the traditions due to how out of place he feels would also be another scenario I would be interested in doing if any of this makes sense. So ideally. Someone who could help him feel more at ease when participating in more Night Elf-themed events would if that makes sense. When it comes to lore what I mean is. I’ve written my own character’s backstory I mean most of us have lol I’m not the best at explaining, but I’ll do my best. So what I mean about that is it’s not completely connected to the lore surrounding night elves but mentions bits and pieces my warrior trp is much more fleshed out than my Monks that’s an extension of it as my monk and warrior are the same character the monk being the fighter of sorts As my warrior picked up a hand to hand combat training ( i also enjoy the class more when it comes to content now so there’s that lol) As for themes I am willing to rp most scenarios including darker themes if discussed beforehand. As for creeds I’m not entirely sure what you mean by creeds unless you mean by beliefs and I suppose my character has really no preference for what ever the other believes in its more about the chemistry if anything and how well he gets along with another platonic or not. I am willing to do more than just go to events and my character is always up to meeting new people platonic or not it all depends on where things go and how well he meshes with another. Hopefully this answers your questions or at least some of them. Oh and I’m not sure if I was exactly clear but yes I am more than willing to rp in sessions as well as go to events, I would like to mention however that once the expansion drops I likely will be focused a little more there than I will be on rp during that time, so I would also love to have someone who also enjoys doing content as well as I do a fair bit of that as well.

Oh okay. Well thank you for the response. That answers some questions. I have seen you around at times, but I haven’t seen you engaging with anyone so I just assumed you were busy or OOC or something. As for Kaldorei, I do have one, though not male. I am considering making a druid, though. I’m always looking for people to hang out with sometimes, so I wouldn’t mind saying hello some time.

I would love that, and likely I was probably tabbed out drawing which I often do or debating what it is I want to do I have listener on, So I see if someone whispered as my icon flashes I don’t bite.

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