Looking for a class that won't give me carpal tunnel syndrome

Seriously, I’ve been playing an enhancement shaman (hate it) and a monk (fistweaver and windwalker). The amount of button spam needed to play these toons is disgusting.

I know WoW will never change it’s combat to a slower more positional based system, so my question is this.

Is there a melee class (not a tank) that doesn’t need to endlessly spam keys every global cooldown. A class that makes you actually think about your actions beyond the next keybind sequence you need to spam?

My wrists are begging for mercy.

MM hunter. they dont even have to press a button. they just stay in the base and cast auto-shoot and sniper shot. goes through walls and around corners and stuff. ez pz


DH or MM hunter super easy to learn and play classes.

I know you said melee, but MM hunter may be the best option here.

You gotta go caster if you want lower APM.
Devoker is the lowest apm class in the game iirc.

Arms is probably one of the lower APM melee just because you can basically take your hands off the keyboard whenever bladestorm is up.

Yea, might give it a try after a few days of rated blitz brawl with my fistweaver.

I wanted a class that lets me focus a bit more on the battlefield rather than keyboard spamming. And boy oh boy is enhancement a keyboard spam toon. Fistweaver is a bit easier, but I’m not sure the playstyle is for me. It’s not a bad class.

It has good survivability and can easily turn the tide of a fight. And the option to stay back and heal if I’m rooted or attack the melee who gets in my face is also an advantage, but overall it’s still rather meh…

Ultimately, it’s still a healer. By the end of a regular BG, my heal output is almost always 4 to 5 times more than my damage output. I was honestly hoping it would be the other way around :slight_smile: I never really wanted to heal. I wanted to join as a heal but do some dps with him. That’s not even an option. You have to queue as healer.


I don’t know if you have considered this, but figured I’d mention it.

How your arms, hands, keyboard, mouse are postioned are important. It affects carpel tunnel. Further, how you sit: your back, you neck, your legs are also important. It’s all kinda connected. bad positioning can affect your back, neck, arms, legs, etc

Desk height, chair height/shape, keyboard/mouse height and position to body, done correctly help your body play longer, healthier. Generally, we’re sitting while playing, so getting up as often as possible helps there too.

Anyway, I figured I’d mention all that just in case it helps any. Also, keep in mind, what works for some, may not work for you, so it may take some figuring out to find what works. It did for me.


I mean retail these days is all about maximizing your gcd’s and getting the most out of every single one to maximize throughput unfortunately for most classes/specs. Most specs you’re doing something every gcd - melee more so than ranged.

I’d say for melee probably like Arms warrior. It’s whole class fantasy is slow, big strikes. I think ret with passive Crusading Strikes is fairly less spammy.

Or you can just classic/sod/cata.

sorry bro but you gotta play a ranged class for that.

I think mm is awful for physical debilitation, disengage while a minor skill requires quick and accurate mouse movement. As far as targeted abilities go traps are as small as they come, again requiring accuracy.

I think arms warriors have a decent flow to their rotation and while spear/leap could receive the same criticism as what I said for traps charge & intervene are very simple. Yeah you can fill every gcd but in pvp its the important set ups that matter and with arms focusing on where your double over power double execute colossus smash sharpen blade sweeping strike mortal strikes go will see success more than your ability to try and trade rot damage with an afflock.
I would also mention frost dk but I think the spec is in a fairly boring state.

Youtube GSE macro compiler. Play any spec you like with less playing piano.

To add onto this, a good trackball mouse helps a ton.

Damn, I’d have to level another toon from scratch to try it. Yea, it’s not a pain to reach 70 and get the honor pvp set. But for pve I’d have to do a lot of that boring campaign stuff yet again. You’d think by now Blizzard would let us skip 75% of that crap if we’ve done it previously 3 or 4 times. I just can’t do it again. No way…

You know Lazur, I know people who play with track ball and they love it. So, yeah, maybe that tried as well!

For me its Ret pally.

Others think different but it is pretty steady imo.