Looking for a chill Oceanic M+/Raiding guild (heals/dps)

Hey, I’m looking for a chill guild to join that is respectful and doesn’t come with a bunch of weird authoritarian vibes/ego. I’ve raided and done M+ for years on holy pally, mistweaving monk, frost DK, ele sham, disc priest, shadow priest and many more. Been playing on and off since vanilla.

Currently vibing Augmentation Evoker, Unholy DK, Disc Priest, Mistweaving Monk, Resto Druid, Holy Pally. I tend to play whichever of my characters I’m in the mood for but am happy to take a regular consistent position in a raid group/M+ gang and stick to one character for it.

Looking for pro LGBTQ+ crew that enjoy dungeon running of all kinds and don’t want to dictate other’s builds. If I find the right guild, I can talk my mate into joining as well who is an experienced raider looking for the same vibes. They play tank and dps mostly.

We know the difference when it’s time to be serious and when it’s time to have a laugh.

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Hey Xerie,

You sound like a person after my co-gm’s heart with playing what the mood strikes. He’s a man of all class :smiley:

If you haven’t found a home, please feel free to check out Secret Agenda - snoop in the discord and suss us out to make sure it is a place you could have some fun.

Are you hard enoigh though…