Looking for a change?

So, you’re in a cycle of endless GDKP’s with fewer and fewer connections to any particular guild? or maybe you’re new and just stuck in gdkp’s.

There’s only one large server group that has a lot of population, but it’s almost impossible to level mining or herbalism at high level due to the high population combined with bots and farmers. What to do?

The Benediction/Faerlina server group has a small but growing population of community oriented players who don’t like GDKP’s, you can still find lotus on occasion, level gathering professions, and be part of a community of players who legitimately help one another because we recognize that helping each other amounts to greater success in raids and content. Gold isn’t a priority here. We aren’t a greedy group of people.

What’s the catch? Well, you have to either roll a new character there, or pay for a transfer to the server. You could bring your unfortunate death in hardcore to this server as well, so that’s also an option.

is the alliance guild there, and are the horde players there. There are more active alliance than horde.

has about 25 regular players and is currently clearing ZG and AQ20 and world bosses, and will be heading back into clearing MC again soon. We lost a few players that wanted to go back to Whitemane.

We could use a few mages, a few paladins, some rogues, a couple more warlocks and druids in terms of raid composition for future planning purposes. Maybe a priest or two. But whatever you want to play, come on over and check out the community. Every class is welcome.

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Are you all still looking?