Looking for a certain "7th Legionnaire's Bloody Drapes" transmog

Thanks to the new tier system, it’s gotten really hard locating the information I need to hunt for transmogs. I’m looking for the version of 7th Legionnair’s Bloody Drapes that is a one piece rectangle, no two piece, no gold trim.

Sorry I can’t post links or images, my trust isn’t high enough :frowning: .

I apologize if this isn’t where this question belongs, I just don’t know where else to ask.

Help would be very much appreciated.

Anyone can post wowhead links, I think.

I assume this is the one you’re after:

I honestly never bothered to figure out how these work. But just based on the information here, you have to be one of the plate classes to get that particular version. No idea what sort of content you need to do to receive it, though.

Just from experience, the longer cloaks typically drop from the harder content, so I have to assume this one comes from the once-per-cycle “win a warfront” quest for the Arathi Warfront.

Actually, here’s another wowhead article on that gear:

If that’s to be believed, it looks like the “no gold trim, one piece” appearance is the tier 1 or 2 version from the plate set. I know 2 is what drops from Arathi rares, but I don’t remember where 1 comes from.

I really wish there was just a vendor for this stuff. I have hundreds of those warfront tokens sitting on my various alts…

Yeah, I’ve used this. The problem is what is shown on the plate models do not match up with what is in game. I’m certain the the gold trim is from the weekly, I don’t need that. The rares could be it since I’ve never bothered with that content but I wonder if it’d be the same model as the gear that drops from assaults (tier 2) which I’ve done plenty of those. If it’s tier 1 then I think it drops from regular repeatable Arathi, which if it does then cool but if not then I’d feel bad wasting alot of time in that warfront.

Thank you so much for your input. If anyone could confirm I’d really appreciate it.

changed my model, I don’t know things (^_^)

I looked at my collection in-game, and the one you’re after definitely only shows up on my plate characters. So that at least narrows it down.