Looking for a casual but committed guild(preferably CLASSIC)

Ok, so my roommate convinced me to jump on the classic bandwagon and start a guild together. I’ve since found myself the most committed player and am not willing to run a guild of inactive players who choose to play other games during scheduled raids that were already RSVP’ed.
Me and two friends currently are still grouping on the Azuresong server on Horde. I can’t speak for them, but myself, I want a more active social experience.

To sell myself a little, I have experience helping lead organizations. I was essentially 3rd in rank in a squadron on Elite Dangerous (The Terminus Syndicate) which during it’s reign, managed many top 50 rankings, and a few top 10. I managed most of the recruitment the first year or so swelling the ranks from 6 to over 100 and at least 30-40 active. I don’t really enjoy recruiting, but I try to do what is necessary to further my organization. I also was the Chief Ambassador and handled nearly all diplomatic relations. I do not expect a senior staff/officer position off the bat, but I DO intend to earn such a position.

I am a “grinder” type gamer. I enjoy grinding and farming and helping others, often creating alts just to make sure my guild has a source for most professions. I do suffer from Alt-itus(someone who plays too many alts) but I never got to experience end game content 15 years ago because by the time I hit 60, my guildmates were all 70’s in BC, which I didn’t have. I hope the release of classic allows me to remedy this.

Essentially I want to find a committed, close-knit guild with a sense of organization. I hope to learn from experienced players, and help out newcomers.
I prefer Horde, and staying on the same server, but am willing to consider otherwise. I also prefer playing on Classic, as I have not purchased anything beyond basic retail, but am also open to the idea of playing retail especially if the guild I join plays both) I do have discord and a headset, and prefer a guild that does utilize voice communication despite myself being shy on the mic.

Sorry for the lengthy post, and thank you for your consideration. :slight_smile: