Looking at them... Harronir aren't even Elves

stealths behind Breakcog
Zoom Zoom!

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They’re neither trolls nor elves, they’re their own thing.

The only good elf is a Blood Elf or Nightborne. any others need to be put in the ground.

I do wonder if these Harronir will be another neutral Allied Race like the Earthen will be.

That’s the theory. They seem to be set up similarly to how the Vulpera were in the code before they were revealed to be an allied race.


no, we just shoot a deer, and we’re qualified to hunt everything.

I mean they’re hybrids. Half Trolls and Half Elves.

What are you on about this time? Elune was worshipped after the Dark Trolls migrated to the Well as they thought she lived within the Well. They never claimed to be made by Elune. This isn’t a Christian “made in God’s image” scenario.

You can roll horde or play the knock off. They’re all the same thing anyways.