Looking 4 accomplices for slaughter, mayhem and laughs in season 4 (AotC)

Looking for a committed raiders for Season 4 and Dragonflight for our AotC raid (9/11H) .

If you are looking for a fun team for the end of Shadowlands and to build some connections to kick off Dragonflight, then reach out.

We are open to the right person in any spec/class, but we are looking for these classes in particular:

DPS: Mage, Rogue, Enhance Shaman
Heals: Shaman, Druid
Tank: Open to any class

You can get more info on the guild and our raiding approach here:


You can add me on BNET Real ID: Eventin#1487
On Discord: Sevenfold#7482
or you can talk to me in game: Sevenföld | Evenlife | Sevenöut

Still looking for committed positive people!