Lookin 4 RP Social Casual Guild on this server

I’m posting this on all RP Servers because I was lead to believe a Good, Casual, Social Guild can be found on an RP Server. I’m going to leave this thread open so it can help out other players like myself who are looking for a Good, Casual, Social Guild on an RP Server. I don’t really care about raiding anymore. I will however do Timewalking Dungeons and other dungeons if anyone is up for it. I’m mainly focusing on getting my 10 toons up to Level 120. And I want to move every one of those toons to an RP Server that does Socializing. I want to make friends again. So If you know of a Good, Social, Casual Guild then please let me know at your convenience. Whether Horde or Alliance it doesn’t matter to me. But that Guild must have Discord. I can’t stand Ventrilo. Any takers?

Hey man if you drop alliance and come horde the Soulshatter Clan will totally take you in, we’re more casual doing rp and world pvp and are always looking for new players to keep this small community fresh. https:// discord.gg/zskW98z Here’s our discord if you’re interested in chatting


Hello there!

If you’re still looking for a good guild home, check us out at www. remnantsofhope .com! We’re a 9 year old gaming community with divisions in ESO, SWTOR, and GW2 as well.

Specifically, I am our RP officer. Due to a couple hiccups before my time in the role, we are just getting the ball rolling again. We are a PvX guild, meaning we PvE, PvP, RP, are social, and basically do all of the things.

I also bribe people with cat photos. :cat:

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If you roll a blood elf or nightborne is an RP guild with room for all types of players, with heavy emphasis on community and being social.
And yes that’s me on top but I forgot to toon switch lol

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The Ashen Vale guild is a casual alliance guild and right now our recruitment is open if you are looking for a guild that always has stuff going on from raiding to wpvp, to rp to dungeon and community activities.
For more info, you can check out our site.


The Desolate Conclave is always open. While Undead focused we’re not racially exclusive.

Guilds a couple of months old and a touch niche so growth has been slow but steady. Presently we try to have at least a RP event per week with plans to organize more PVP and PVE oriented events.

We’ve a Discord and a fairly relaxed atmosphere. If you’re curious about our themes and events you can learn about them in detail here,

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