Look at the beta classes and covenants forums

And tell me this is acceptable game design. A lot of the feedback is again being ignored. A big example of this is the Druid feedback thread. The blue posts do not acknowledge the Guardian druid players posting their feedback and issues with the spec, meanwhile most of the attention is on Resto and Balance druids, with Feral getting the rest of that attention, with questionable design like the recent Bloodtalons talent.

Or let us point out the fact that Fire Mages get a lot of blue post attention when it’s known Mages are Blizz’s pet class.

Conduits are literally what’s going to fix classes because Blizz is completely destroying some of the specs (like Shadow Priests), while also causing issues with CD desync for some specs (Unholy DKs).

Is this acceptable to you?


Blizz resources and time are being swallowed up by:

  • Torghast abilities
  • legendaries
  • Soul Binds and Conduits
  • Covenant signature abilities

That leaves very, very little room for class and spec attention IMVHO.



…Ion is such arrogant insert incoherent rage here it’s not like systemic issues arn’t identified early on during Beta and are ignored because Blizzard knows better.


Don’t forget the gear that will be introduced as well. Just not something Blizz has decided to invest much time with regarding classes and specs. It is a true shame because what is the point of a shadowlands revamp of level 1-50 if most classes and specs are broken for 50+ levels?

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

The first impression for new and returning players in shadowlands will be broken classes and specs.


what are you basing this on?

are you expecting every spec to get equal attention at the same time?

i’m seeing 10 blue posts in the druid thread, and 2 in the mage one.


Druid has been dead for a really long time. Since mop I’d say

Do you not read? You’re better than this, Nobully. You’re playing dumb. I’m here trying to voice my concern with Blizz’s horrendous class design. If we didn’t have Conduits and Covenant abilities to “fix” classes, yes we could expect every spec to have equal attention, because right now this is not happening, even though Ion thinks all specs will be balanced.


Shadow priests are pretty bad to be honest too. :thinking:


Oh yah they went out the window right along with feral.

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I guess people seem to be ok with horrible classes. Maybe I just need to be explained why.

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I’d hope they don’t get equal attention, honestly. Bears, shadow priests, and monks all need lots more attention than everyone else right now.


I’m… Supporting you?

Rogues aren’t even finished let alone “need attention.”


Yes. The developers have developed a game that tons of players still enjoy after this many years. I have more faith in the developers than I do players on the forum who will complain about literally anything that the developers do.

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I haven’t been following rogue at all, but we can add them to the pile of forked classes!

Don’t worry… Shadow will be just… fine…

stifles horrible ugly crying sounds


It’s not. It’s very bad game design and I have no idea what they’re thinking at this point.

I wish Blizzard could just make a good expansion for once… Not a “not bad” or “ok” expansion, but a GOOD one.


Stop spending your time, energy, and money on bad games?

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Here comes the white knight, blizzard must have you on pay roll at this point. Do you ever not defend their every move?

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The other white knight appeared, you got a record of streaks

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