Look at the beta classes and covenants forums

If Shadowlands flops hard I’ll be taking this advice! I don’t understand why people keep putting money into a game they obviously hate.


They don’t really dislike it. For whatever reason hating on the game and bashing Blizzard has been a thing since the very early days. Here on the forum you’ll see many of the same posters year after year bashing on the game and ranting about how horrible it is. It’s insane.

The thing that you don’t seem to get is some of the players aren’t bashing Blizz just because it’s the cool thing to do. I’ll speak for myself by saying that I am passionate about the game, but do not worry. You won’t see me making these threads again. :slightly_smiling_face:


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The thing you don’t get is that just because Blizzard doesn’t respond to players doesn’t mean they aren’t working on stuff or reading what players are saying.

Sometimes a player outgrows a game, but sometimes a game outgrows a player.


When blizzard fired all those people we knew it would affect the game.

It’s affecting the game.

Still holding out for Arcane changes due to build up time.

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Three constants in this world: Death, taxes, and druids complaining about their class.

The alpha is what is the problem. They only let streamers in, they don’t test jack. No feedback until now basically is too late.

That’s… not even the point. People have been giving feedback, it’s Blizz that’s somehow hellbent on utterly destroying specs or making unnecessary changes. Also doesn’t help that Blizz can delete feedback if they really feel like it. Rogues have been missing talents since SL alpha, and we’re in the beta right now and they are STILL missing talents.

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Sub Rogue is still a mess on beta. Not sure what Blizz is doing. :thinking:

No it isn’t but…

…I play WW monk and Subtlety rogue. Yes yes yes, I know, I like pain. But at least Druids received a response. So far I’ve seen nothing but silence for my preferred specs.

Hunters are being ignored too.

And after all the hunter feedback what did blizzard do? Made Revive Pet a 6 second cast time. :man_facepalming:


That’s actually a bad sign. And if you actually read them and the responses, you might see why more attention is not necessarily better. It’s all one way communication.

Feral and guardian are getting inexplicable nerfs. Their mechanics are broken.

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That is so wrong. Pet revive a 6 second cast time? What is Blizz thinking? :thinking: :thinking:

I don’t think that’s a good excuse. How your class plays is THE most important part of this game. If it isn’t fun you quit. They are trying to hard to make covenants give classes depth when in reality that attention should be put on the class design itself.


What? every single streamer I saw was giving feedback and testing. Not a single one was just screwing around.

This is because they design the game with the specs THEY want you to play its actually ridiculously egotistical imo

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Blizzard is so focused on trying to balance covenants/soulbinds/conduits/legendaries they are forgetting about making classes fun to play. Once again it’s going to be an expansion all about rental systems.

Half the specs have received no changes and have the same problems from BFA going into Shadowlands.

What are they even doing with half of them my god.


Of course it is not a good excuse but Blizz will use it to give them an out. Just watch! :thinking:


What do you think about the hunter updates since alpha launched?