Longshot: Blitz MMR needs to be adjusted

The current MMR in Blitz isn’t doing a good job at placing players. I’ll assume it’s to place games faster, but if that is the case, it’s having a pretty negative impact on the game and experience for everyone.

  • Tighten up the acceptable range of difference in MMR vs CR. A 2.4k CR player is not the same as a 2.4k MMR player. Same is true for 2.2, 2k, 1.8…
  • Remove or drastically reduce placement games. A player having a lucky or good string of wins to start off shouldn’t be tossed in any games over 1800. Beyond the fact a lot of these players are still gearing, some of them don’t even know how all the maps work. I was just in a 2100 game and one of the players on EOTS didn’t even know the nodes swapped when you capped. We lost. :man_facepalming:
  • Increase the CR gained once your MMR and CR level out.
  • Lastly and one of the biggest issues, MMR and CR averaging is awful… Teams should BOTH have similar averaged CR and MMRs.

THIS stuff shouldn’t happen.


There should almost never be a situation where only ONE player is losing rating. Makes absolutely no sense. I’ll just assume I’m getting unlucky, but it keeps happening and making up for the MMR deficit is ridiculous. Needing to string 3-4 wins together just to start getting meaningful points needs to be address.

Just to make this a bit more clear, once the system finds 16 players in the same acceptable MMR range, it should divide the teams up based off CR. So the highest player goes to one side while the second highest goes to the other team and so forth.

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their current system is not working and is simply driving players away, 20 mins waiting time for a f queue is not normal and god why is rating capped at 24

The unfortunate aspect is they would have to widen the MMR range to speed up queues, but that could really hurt the quality of Blitz even more. That said, maybe dividing up CR per match properly will help alleviate that.

The CR gains are too slow. People pushing for seasonal rewards would be better off doing Shuffle…you feel more rewarded for being one of the best players in the match.

I think Blitz is better if you treat it as a random and don’t take the MMR too seriously.

literally how, it already feels like playing with randoms. I don’t think it can get more random than 100%

the rating system is way broken …i was unfortunate to lose 4 in arow after pushing towards 1900 cr …after losing those 4 in arow …cr dove to 1700…ok thats fine ya lose it falls …but since then i get nothing for wins and lose 18 when i lose …rockin a 1600ish cr rating now ,playing in a bracket i shouldnt be in …its very frustrating to not get anything for a win …why i pay money to be frustrated i dont know…but this sucks …losing all want to play this crap game

I went from 2700 to 1500 after like 4 losses on my evoker. My mmr took 3 weeks to climb back up. Game is busted.