Hey all. I’ve been playing on KJ since very early on in Classic. I was a main tank for a hardcore guild all the way from Classic through Wrath. In early Cata my guild fell apart, and by that point I’d lost my passion for raiding anyway. So I never really bothered to find a new raiding guild. The fact that I was on a poor rural internet connection at the time wasn’t helping my chances either.
Long story short, I’ve pretty much played solo as an LFG hermit ever since Cata. I just don’t have the time or drive to consistently raid anymore.
However, several years of living in the PuG world has just started to eat at me. Not only did I have to deal with poorly skilled and toxic players, but I find myself becoming worse at the game as well. There isn’t a whole lot of need to learn mechanics when all the content you attempt is trivial because you’ve just accepted the mindset that the other players are going to hate you regardless of what you do.
I’ve recently attained a much more reliable internet connection, so I’m making this post in the hopes that I can find a guild that likes doing dungeon content. As I said, I’m a long time player with a lot of experience, and I have every class in the game at least to 110+. I main my warrior, but I’m proficient with just about every class in the game. My favorites are Warrior, Hunter, and Shaman, but I play all classes regularly.
I guess all I’m really looking for is a guild somewhere between casual and hardcore that likes doing dungeon content on a regular basis. And as someone with every class to at least 110, I could pretty much gear up and adapt to whatever the guild needs.
Things to note:
I’m handicapped, and play 1-handed, but you’d never know it by watching my characters.
I’m on rural DSL, but it’s a major upgrade from what I had previously and is more than enough for WoW and Discord’s voice chat, with an average ping of 20-25ms, and has been very reliable thus far.
I love to tank and heal. DPSing is a secondary role for me.