Long downtime today

Spot on. Have you seen the devs? They dont care about this game at all


i noticed they put in a new epileptic seizure warning in the client :expressionless:


i just saw that! i wonder if someone had a seizure and sued them lol.

and for the record im not laughing about someone have seizures, my good friend suffered them from a TBI and i helped him through many of them.

all but retail and cata.

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on my day off no less…

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This is mainly the classic era client and the connected realms n junk. Cata classic and Retail barely had any downtime. Seems like classic/hc classic tend to get the longer times consistently, then again, sometimes HC is down, but Classic itself is up.

Play a different version. Play PTR or w/e so you can do a pre-run on what you plan to do once it’s up. Read a book. Touch grass, or ice/snow. Spent an hour on the walkway outside because it was just a 50’+ iced runway of doom. Play something else entirely if it HAS to be a game. You should all know the drill by now.

A bit of an explanation would be nice though.

Was it really necessary to link SOD with the classic servers? It’s already why they made a mess with pvp being mixed with SOD players. Now we gotta wait for a maintenance that is not even for the game we play. Way to go Blizzard.


I mean server updates are literally every tuesday. Its not like its a suprise random update.

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