Long boi why's it going away?

no seriously, why’s it going away? i don’t get it.

i mean, we’ve got plenty of expensive mounts in the game that have’nt gone away, (for example, the grand expedition yak, or that spider mount) why’s this one gotta go?

It’s not, it’s going to the black market AH.

As to why it’s a limited vendor item, pretty easy to explain. It’s the end of the expansion, content drought is here, and a 5 million gold limited offer mount is a good way to keep players playing and paying.

Because limited availability makes things more desirable.

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“because I said so”
–Blizzard Entertainment

(no, seriously, there’s no good reason)


but it won’t be sold on the original vendor, that means it’s going away.

Greed and nothing else.


There are lots of unconfirmed theories. A big one is that it’s making the AH too accessible. I will be able to farm herbs at the start of SL and sell them without ever leaving my farm spot.

Another theory is that Blizz wants people to buy tokens.


In the long term they don’t want a mobile auction house to be too common. It’s a step farther than something like transmog. Considering gold inflation, over time more and more players will get it. So that’s why they’re cutting it off now so it doesn’t become as much of a problem later on. That’s the official reason they gave.


Because they like taunting people who can’t afford it

/tin foil hat

Going to the AH to sell things adds valuable time played metrics.


I think that is what their stated as their reasoning, actually, now that you say it.

In a month or two, I’ll be joining the longboi club

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There is a huge thread on this with blue posts explaining why.

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FOMO can easily trigger people who are addicted to fork out that $500-$750 worth of WoW Tokens to get long boi. Sounds ridiculous typing it out like this, but there are people willing to pay this kind of money I’m sure

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because limited edition of things = a lot of ppl buy it real fast so your company makes a huge profit in a short time to reinvest it into numerous ventures a cpl of months later

ppl complain about these sort of things, but when you have board members and investors to make happy. you maximize profit even if its just 2% more to encourage them to stick around and to gain new

The gods are disappointed in what we have become and decided we don’t deserve him.

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Oh, I know, first-hand. A coworker of mine was seriously considering it and trying to get me to tell him to do it. I told him not to because there was still like a year to get the rest of the gold. He was selling some prints he got at Blizzcon and made like, $1200.

I was like, “Dude. No. You work at Best Buy, girlfriend, SAVE IT.”

I haven’t talked to him since I left that place, but he was so close to doing it that now that I’m not there to advise him not to, he probably has.

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And he prolly did waste that money away

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I seriously have only 10,000 (I busted 60,000 on mount) and I was in a timewalking dung where everybody had the long boi and asked me why I didn’t have it. I told them I couldn’t afford it, and they laughed and made fun of me. Left that group right away…


It’s almost like no one at Blizz can see further than 2 minutes.