Long beards for humans, where?

I don’t see any long beards. How can I play a mage with no belly long beard? Dwarves have them, so it’s doable.


Only dwarves have unlocked the secrets of the epic beard.


Quiet, she of no beard.

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Play a dwarf then. Bring diversity to the Alliance.

I think you might be getting that when SL prepatch drops. don’t take my word for it, as i don’t pay attention to human customization in wow. being a human IRL i’d rather play an actual fantasy race in a fantasy based game.

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Already am, want some beards for my tall lad too.

I never understood why Human is the most popular race, I too am here to be something I can’t IRL.
Mind you that’s a challenge in the Alliance since we have like 4 or 5 variations of human.

well with one of them you can at least shift into another form. i actually do play a couple worgen. and Darkiron are a different flavour than regular dwarves, sonot too human like imo. i do have one reg dwarf and one KT, but the reg dwarf i want to race change to VE. I have no reason why i chose KT for a monk though.

I still want to be a fox though. gazes longly at every Vulpera in sight

or at least give us the sethrak.

Well to be fair human wizards always had long beards they should be in by now…


I’ll stick to my goatee thank you it wouldn’t get in the way when the wind blows,or catch fire lol.

Necromancer NPCs prove that long beards work on Humans:


They really need a nice long beard. Dunno why not in game yet. Or at least give one to forsaken. Lol

Remember khadgars old model? :joy: hopefully that wasn’t their attempt at the wizard beard. Or at least hopefully they could do more today.

6 if you include blood elves

I wasn’t counting Worgen since you spent most of the time in bestial form.
These are the ones I meant:
Human = Human
Nelf = Purple human
Velf = Blue human
KT = Thicc human
Dwarf = Short human
Gnome = Short short human
DI = Short human, also goth

That leaves only 5 options that truly step outside the human formula: goats, yellow goats, wolves, diapers and pandas.

I’ll take it one step further. Let UNDEAD men have beards. In a world where everything is possible, I’m sure undead corpses with beards isn’t the most far-fetched idea.

I like the idea of undead having some facial hair options. They could come up with some really interesting designs there.

And on the topic of long beards for humans; I mean come on already. That’s like “how to be a wizard 101.”

He tore if off a dead dwarf. You can still see the glue marks

I do. I still have no beard.

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