Good afternoon!
About me
I am 30 years old on the East Coast. I do not have to work so I have all the time in the world for dungeons/raids. Recently came to Thrall from Turalyon to join a guild but it didn’t work out. Been playing since Vanilla with a few breaks here and there. All of my IRL friends have quite playing so I’m looking for people to have fun and connect with. Currently a 174 ilvl, but haven’t really pushed mythics yet since I hate pugs. Other games I am big into include GTA 5, Phasmophobia and Beat Saber.
Type of Guild I’m looking for
- Active. I hate guilds that’re only online for raids and that do not have an active Discord.
- Older. Nothing against young kids who play the game, but from experience it’s better to play with adults.
- Helpful. I like guilds that help each other gear, not just push to Mythic 10’s while other guildies are struggling to get a group for a 0.
- Member count I don’t really care about, but I expect more than 1 or 2 online at a time.
- Raid team. Even though I may not be raid ready when it comes to gear, I do plan to raid full time.
If you have a guild that has a spot open for someone like me or have any questions, please hit me up on Discord (Jayy8Bit#0853) or B-Net (Lamina#11554).
Thank you!
You don’t have to be lonely you can be dysfunctional with the rest of us. Guild info below, please reach out if we look like a fit for you.
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Hey Nezperce,
Just by what you wrote, I think you’d be a good fit for our guild! We’re currently progressing through normal with plans to dive right into heroic when we finish clearing.
We raid Tuesday and Friday from 8pm-11pm EST. In addition to Raiding, we also run keys, pvp and do some achievement runs.
We’re super active in discord and have a casual family friendly atmosphere as we’ve all been gaming for 15+ years.
If interested, give me an add on bnet @ Slorg#1281!
Hey nezperce! Please add poter#11947 to talk more!
yo im sending you a friend request on discord have a couple of more questions
Hey there I sent you a bnet add. Im currently looking to add some more dps to our group. We raid tues/thurs 7-10pm server(EST) We are 8/10N and looking to get work started on heroic after the holidays. Hope to talk to you soon and best of luck in your search.
We are a close-knit adult casual AOTC raid Guild. We have a few spots open for our weekly AOTC raid group. We are currently 10/10n and 1/10h. If you’re looking for a new home and a friendly raid environment focused on killing bosses and having a good time while we do it, look no further. We offer an active and helpful community along with a knowledgeable support/leadership core. Sometimes there are cookies.
Raid Times
We raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6:00 PM (Pacific/Standard) to 9:00 PM (Pacific/Standard) (9pm-12am eastern standard time) . The remaining days can be used for optional alt raids and endless amounts of Torghast/Mythic Plus.
We are highly unlikely to deviate from this schedule.
We currently have a need for the following classes:
Death Knight,
Demon Hunter,
Warlock, and
How to Apply
Once you have completed the application an officer will get in touch with you quickly. Usually within 24 hours. Be prepared to hop into discord for a short interview.
We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Hey there Nezperce , My name is Brig I am a raider within Premium on thrall we are currently 9/10H We are currently looking for more solid DPS to fill out our raid team!
Tuesday : 8:00 - 11Est P.M ( OPTIONAL RESET DAY)
Wednesday : 8-11Est P.M
Thursday : 8-11Est P.M
Friday : 8-11Est P.M
Please contact,
If you find these times to be acceptable, or if you have any questions!