Lone Wolf don't worth it

The reason I started to play hunter back in WoD was the implementation of Lone Wolf, because I like the archer archetype, but I don’t like pets.
But now it seam lone wolf is just, well, not worth picking.
I see that the damage of pets was reduced to around 3-4% of your total damage, that means lone wolf is a 1.5% damage increase, but, still not worth losing something like 4% leech and blood lust. I’d rather pick any other talent even tho I like lone wolf, and that’s pretty sad.


You are correct I believe. The 10% pet MS and stun is hard for me to trade away with all the other pet utility for a mere 5% damage. Having lone wolf selected would be a small bonus to damage if you let your pet die and dont realize it, but once you want the non-stun utility you are going without until rezing your pet. Keeping the pet alive seems ideal.

I simply thought there was a leapfrog because of Penetrating Shots. 5% without pet, BUT we get more crit damage by portion of crit rating. Narrowing that down, that’s a far better trade than 10% and a max 4% more crit damage. Pen Shots is going to be based far more on MM abilities rather than pet attacks.

In short, I like the crit damage resolution change a lot, enough to where I can overlook the Lone Wolf nerf.

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I only PvP and PvE to level, complete content, etc. DPS loss or not, I am taking Lone Wolf and running without a pet. I have an Orc BM and a Human SV, if I want to micro manage pets I can play one of those specs. Why they wouldn’t provide players with at least the option boggles my mind. Why even have Lone Wolf at this point? They’ve basically forced MM players to run with a dumb pet.

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Im pretty sure I read that they did that 5% nerf because hunters were freaking out about dps loss by pulling out their pet to hit lust. Now it isnt an issue. You can run a pet or not and not be forced to lose 5-10% to use lust.


Doing a mm hunter rework and not letting us lust with lone wolf or just making lone wolf baseline and letting us pick pet passives is criminal. Still cant use sac without a pet either.

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All intentional to force non-BMs to use pets. Welcome to the new war.

If I wanted to be a Hunter with a pet, common sense dictates I would go with BM because no spec USES PETS BETTER than BM. Better yet, I’d rather just have my own CLASS that focuses solely on houndmaster combat.


Best hope is honestly a third demon hunter spec that can use a bow imo


One thing I don’t understand, especially with the rework giving hunters another charge and lower cd on Survival of the Fittest:

Why not make the default Command Pet ability lust without a pet instead of Fortitude of the Bear? It would 1 step closer to solving the lone wolf issues.

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Felforged bows and guns…

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