Lol retail

Wow didn’t start getting good till bc. Vanilla was bugged and mediocre at best. It was just ahead of every other game at the time.


So it was excellent. Gotcha.


Always knew you were a little slow.

Oh good, resorting to insults. Very good.


No, just acknowledging a problem. Knowing is half the battle.

WoW influencers need to get together and create some sort of content where they discuss in what patch a certain class/spec reached their pinnacle design.

If they can’t get anything changed, then I would have lost all hope in the game.

We’ve been trying since WoD. They never listened and its just a waste of time at this point. All hope is lost. Just quit this garbage version of WoW and play classic.


Yeah, after playing beta I don’t even feel like logging on retail tbh.

Pushback on channels too, if you are a shadow priest or warlock you have to get a really big absorb or something going if you want to get a single mind flay or mana drain off.

please explain to me how a shadow priest would beat a bm hunter with the cat that attacks at a 0.50 speed lol

lol @ all the people mocking others who want to enjoy classic, while they simultaneously shed tears and hold on to their garbage retail version of the game for dear life because it has transmog and most likely just play DK/HPAL in 2s at 1500


Your whole post is a bit hypocritical. You are upset that people are mocking folks that like classic. While mocking folks that like retail. I like tmog because having my gear looking all different in classic was my biggest pet pev. This most be the arena forums, because your mocking others for only being 1500. I swear ego driven people on this forum. You must need more loving in IRL.


Not really. Unless you were a 5 sec mage or stun locking rouge. I sure they loved vanilla. Vanilla = BFA

Pet attack speed was normalized and Priests have this cool talent called Martyrdom that procs super often vs Hunter pets and that gives them 100% pushback resistance. I think a decent Hunter should kill a SPriest if they get the drop on them, but a single blackout proc at an inopportune time means you’re likely going to die.

Literally every class feels better to play in Classic than BFA, Shaman especially.

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I would have to disagree. Because outside of being a plate healer paladins couldn’t really tank effectively or DPS at all, in fact retribution for the longest time was lolret.

Note that I said class, not spec.

Indeed, class progression and an actual feeling of accomplishment when you get rewards. Very few rewards in Classic are 1-2% upgrades. Simple quest greens can easily be 200% or better upgrades and you’ll see a true difference the next time you get hit or cast a spell.

Also, Classic will organically force players to be more social and build their reputations on their particular servers if they want the best experience.

They’re clunky at best. Best part of classic is that shaman is horde specific and paladin is alliance specific.

This. Should never have changed.