LOL really? a survey

After watching Az’s video, I’ve grown very upset and disappointed.

Milking money from players, er customers I mean.

I’m sorry to inform you that the survey is nothing more than a marketing ploy. They have no intention of changing direction or working to make the game even a semblance of the kind of quality that was once produced by former devs.

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Lol okay, thanks for sharing your opinion as if they are facts.

Sorry you don’t like the game so much that you can’t take a survey at face value. Maybe you should take a break from the game?

Yup Yup. So true.

Blizzard’s credibility is shot and with that comes a mistrust of any stated motivation for any of the terrible changes that have been made to this game.

Blizzard: Hey guys, we know we promised better communication, so we’ve sent out a survey so we can get a better idea of what you think of the game.

Fans: You don’t communicate! You don’t listen! Boooooo! Booooo!!!

And people wonder why Blizzard doesn’t actually communicate. This is why, because when they do try to reach out, they get thrown under a bus.

They have 345,000e10 forum posts full of feedback that they ignore.

What makes you think they will respond any differently to a survey?

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Not responding to feedback/not giving you what you want =/= feedback ignored. There are only so many CMs on these forums and there are hundreds of thousands of threads that get posted daily. Expecting a personal ‘blue response’ for every one of them is far too excessive.

Come on.

With all the reported real problems in this game yet the company focuses on minutae like stopping 110 twinks?


The company selects what issues to respond to and so far, none of them matter a damn to most players.

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You can believe what you want. I’m not here to try to convince you otherwise, so go ahead and believe that Blizzard will ignore you all the time if you want. Doesn’t affect me any.

And truth continues to be true whether you believe it or not.


Weird as it may sound. I think the take a small percentage of players and follow them. I seen patches and hot fixed based on some player suggestion. That my take. as I of follow on certain threads it does happen quite a few times. just recent guy called for a nerf for alliance doing raid for quest. next day it got hit. Same guy back in Oct called for something and got hit. just strange.

Blah blah they don’t listen anything.

The survey is only for the GM to get paid…

It’s outsourced anyway.

They could care less what we have to say as long as they get their money…

And anyone wanna say anything, patch 8.1
Bricked my computer, havnt logged on since, havnt decided what to do…

They should offer systems with coupons whenever this happens, I have to wait till after Xmas to buy a new computer either first week of January or April and if April I’ll be I’ll be putting the account in the nether

This is what we have been asking for more communication. Why are you so against it?

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It’s not truth, it’s your subjective take on reality.

And if you are so soured that you can’t even accept a survey at face value… walk. away. Go do something that’s fun instead of something you don’t enjoy.

A shame that your truth is detached from reality. Like ‘alternate facts’.

Fact is, they don’t ignore feedback, as they themselves will tell you. You (and others) just seem to have this overly nauseating sense of entitlement where you think Blizzard should be catering to you and giving you everything you want even if it’s not what they believe the game needs.

And as long as you continue to taint yourself with that sense of entitlement it doesn’t matter what Blizzard says or does because it will never be good enough. They could give you everything you’ve ever wanted right now and you’d still whinge and moan about how they don’t listen, because in your mind they don’t, and they never will.

That’s the problem with being detached from reality, you’re often wrong, you’re just far too… foolish to see it.

Yeah, that’s typically how surveys are done by large companies. This is not the negative you want it to be.

False. They do not listen to feedback until a decision starts an unsubscribe wave, however at this point they have very little to lose given that there really isn’t enough folks left playing for that to matter anymore.


What exactly triggered you here?

I don’t think Blizzard considers or responds to the vast majority of criticisms about which most players here can agree:

  • class design
  • layered RNG on layered RNG
  • removal of loot options
  • time-gating
  • pathfinder
  • scaling imbalance
  • ilevel trade restrictions
  • absence of loot vendors
  • in-game rewards suck

Yet not a single one of these issues has been seriously addressed. Won’t be either.


Very much this, and quite sad about it.

I unsubbed a month ago. Play ends in 2 hours says the time meter by the play button…

I begged for a survey to be sent to ALL WoW players over a month ago. Yet, when we get on here and give our feedback, tell them we’re leaving because of X, Y, and Z the community attacks. So yes, I’d love a place where I can tell you what I think where I don’t have to worry about being called a ‘filthy casual’ or being asked why I’m posting from an alt… etc.

It’s always “just enough” from Blizzard… Now my count down timer says 88 minutes. Sadly I don’t want to login and see it before I go. I used to love this game, the company, and their products. Unless there is a mass uproar about how wonderful WoW gets again, I doubt I’ll ever post here again.

Farewell community. Ya donkeys rear…