LOL really? a survey

To me, this sounds a bit like “is our marketing department reaching the consumer” outreach.

FYI, they’ve periodically mailed out surveys on various subjects over the past decade. It’s not anything new.

First, They send out surveys to reach a broad range of the playerbase. Something they can’t get elsewhere. They have always done this. Its nothing new… at all. I was getting surveys in Wrath and cata all the way up to now.

Second, may I please take just one moment here to reflect upon the irony and stupidity of people who cry about blizzard not “listening” to them and in the same breath complain about a survey blizzard sent out in order to do that very thing…

No wonder no blues show up here. I dont blame them.


Time to unsub for you, I guess? I see a lot of people who hate this game, yet continue playing. Strange.

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I continue posting, after wasting gold to see if the game was worth playing again.

It’s not.

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You know Blizzard has decided to show the Forum Trolls that they really don’t represent the majority of the Games Players when they send out a survey asking everyone’s opinion.
The OP of the “LOL REALLY? A SURVEY” got a fishing email claiming to be from Blizzard and the OP fell for it!


Crepe, have a wonderful holiday and a very Happy New Year. :christmas_tree:

Island Expeditions aren’t exactly content. They’re like dungeons, without story, without loot, and simply a matter of killing mobs. That’s not exactly what one would call “engaging”. If it wasn’t for the weekly, the chance at pets or the chance at transmogs, I doubt half as many people would do it.

In short, Expeditions were a good idea that is lacking the meat to make it fun.

Assaults are basically a retooled version of Legion Invasions. So no, that’s not new content, its recycled. Yes, it has a very barebones story, compared to the Legion invasions, but that’s it. So no, not really what you’d call “new” or “engaging”.

As to Warfronts, they’re not technically new because they took the idea of a battleground and made it available to PvE players.

So, its hard to call this “content” good, especially when its designed to be repeated ad nauseum. It was designed to be repeatable, to be ground out, and not to improve or impact the overall story of the expansion. Ergo, Busy Work.

This, I hope I get one.

They are desperate. This is a lst ditch effort to CYA,. They know darn well that they are not gonna make the major changes the players have demanded. They will continue to force their time played metric on the players and more will leave.

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Blizzard’s been sending out surveys for literally years; I fail to see how this is “last-ditch” all of a sudden.

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So by your standard, we haven’t actually had new content since 2004.

Amazing that the game survived this long without anything new, according to Aunalise…

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no scam email from blizzard…

OP makes a post complaining Blizzard doesn’t listen to feedback and what happens? That’s right! The post gets censored.
Oh the irony is so thick one could even drown in it.

Not really sure how removing baseless insults directed at devs but leaving their negative (if really odd) opinion up counts as “censorship”.

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Same please.

I’m curious on how many people got this.

I wounder if it is based on personal MAU statistics.

Oh, is that what irony is now?

I once saw a guy getting arrested for breaking the law, how ironic.

They won’t send me the survey… :frowning:

Really? A Q&A where they take questions about the expansion that are cherry picked? How about answering some tough questions, like:

  • What metrics did they use to determine if something was fun?
  • Does Blizzard feel that some of the magic was lost when players had less choice? Post WoTLK?
  • Can you explain the metrics you consider applicable to sub loss? What incites do you have to justify your actions?
  • If you were to grade your own ‘paper’ in this situation, what grade would you give yourself for BfA?
  • What was wrong with a linear path of leveling without the scaling? I’d love to hear your logic behind this.
  • After the introduction of Legion artifact weapons a necklace feels like getting a 20 year old N64 over a new system. Was this change made final before you started to receive feedback in beta (as I sent you dozens of feedback threads in the beta), or did you sell the entire theory before you practiced its execution? Again with the data insight.
  • Of all the methods introduced since Vanilla of acquiring gear, raiding has had the least percentage of involvement by the mass. Introduction of LFR aimed to help with this, but do you feel pushing people down this path was good or did you make a wound that would never heal? I feel WoTLK had the most diverse and forthright pathway to success. When did Blizz feel this needed to change?
  • At some point PVP became all about fairness, and the little guy being given a chance. OK, in theory this makes sense. But where this fails is with reward. I, personally, don’t find BG’s rewarding anymore because there is no reward.
  • Why put nearly every category of gear behind an RNG gate?

Man, I could go on, but I’d love to hear some feedback from Blizz on this.

They can acknowledge their shortcomings, ‘lackluster-ness’, etc. but it won’t fix the game now. My guild is dead. The server is dead.

You can’t go from such an EPIC story such as Legion to a snail race called BfA without serious repercussions.

All very, very good questions.

But Q&A sessions instead, tend to go like this:

Fawning Blizzard employee: Game Director, does your leg hurt from kicking so much A**?

Game Director: Glad you asked me that! rubs leg. Yeah, it kind of does!