Lol great job with hpal…

Correct. /10chars

Yeah. DPS, at all. Whereas you have every other healer in the game capable of full put DPS rotations non stop for 5+ mins doing DOUBLE the damage with half the mana consumption…sometimes even NO mana consumption lol.

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With the current state of this thread I wouldn’t even be surprised at this point if someone’s response was “good, I don’t like dpsing anyway”. :roll_eyes:

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So i just wanna make sure i understand here. The melee build is currently unviable due to mana constraints? Because ive been going oom like every single fight on my pally and couldnt figure out what i was doing that was so wrong, but i play the melee build because i love it. If this is the case, im just gonna not play holy till this is changed. I have nowhere near the mana troubles on my rsham or holy priest.


Yes. Any sort of DPSing will cause mana constraints, in raid.

In M+, we play very similarly except we also cast flash of light for spot healing more. But mana isn’t a huge concern, so you can still DPS/interrupt/CC as you normally would.

Crusader Strike is being changed from 1.6% mana to 0.6% mana and they increased damage by 25%

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Blizzard listened to yall! But im guessing someone will still say “not enough”

Welcome mana relief and buffs for those playing AC/Awakening and Veneration/ Vanguard’s.

It isn’t. Buffing abilities we don’t use in raid doesn’t fix the mana issues the spec has. We’re still better off not DPSing/ignoring all our dps abilities in raid.

You can’t expect minor 1% buffs to mana on 2 abilities to outweigh the fact that every mana talent was nerfed, every form of mana regen the spec has was nerfed, and almost every ability had its mana cost increased.

It’s nice for M+ though.

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But still doesnt fix the main offenders. Holy shock is what is causing us trouble (on top of daybreak/Blessing of Winter/Reclamation nerfs.

We cant afford it to press it on cd any longer for dps

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I will go to my grave not understanding why WoW players don’t know the difference between subjective opinion and fact lol.

And why they insist on being hyperbolic with statements like “No one wanted this,” or “this is poor development [because i don’t like it]” etc.

I know what you’re trying to do haha. win the argument by referring to some hypothetical people to bolster it. but any thinking (and seeing) person is going to know you’re flatly wrong, and plenty of people LOVE this development haha.

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But you are being anecdotal too?

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