Lol great job with hpal…


I picked out your post because the poster said “all content” and you cherry picked the RWF.

My point was that paladin is fundamentally broken (even more so than pre-rework) and doesn’t feel great to play.

The fact that they’re included in the RWF doesn’t change that. It doesn’t speak to how good they are, it just shows at how powerful damage reduction is as a whole.

In fact all the RWF raiders are memeing on holy paladin and how bad it is. A class/spec can be bad and still be taken to the race, they aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.

If we really wanna break it down, you didn’t even mention utility in your first post. You quoted:

Then proceeded to say: well paladin is included in the RWF.

The overall theme of the original post was how bad paladin is and how bad it feels and you basically responded with “well it’s taken to the RWF so it must be good.”

I was clarifying why they they were taken to the world first race and how it still doesn’t change the fact the class isn’t great right now and how it relies on external CDs from other classes to do it’s most basic job: healing.

You never mentioned utility. I never mentioned utility. If you had mentioned utility I probably would’ve never responded to your post in the first place.


Id say progression raiding is pretty damn important content in WoW. Even if it wasnt just one example, calling it “cherry picked”, while being such an important part of WoW, again shows you just want to be a contrarian.

This is you changing the subject again. This current exchange was someone saying the utility doesn’t outweigh the negatives and they are being left out, and I said it clearly did (in an important part of WoW’s endgame content)…

Again, holy pallies being memed on as no baring on the comment that started our exchange…ie: their utility clearly outweighs their negatives for RWF (as a pretty damn big example). Me mentioning them being brought to RWF has nothing to do with how they “feel”, thats simply you adding “words in my mouth”, for which I can only assume is for you to try to save face.

This is now you formulating a different exchange, not the one we actually had (yet again). To recap again, the comment you replied to that started this latest exchange in this thread, had nothing to how the feel, it was a response to specifically utility not ebing good enough to bring…Pallies being brought to RWF has nothing to do with how they “feel” as a class…

Like I predicted, you are now going to imply that AM is not one of Holy Pallies utilities they bring…

Please tell me where you mentioned (and quoted) utility in your original post. You didn’t.

In fact, you proceed to completely ignore the entire point of the post (and my initial response). You never mentioned utility and I was clarifying why they they were taken to the world first race.

Just cause you say that til you’re blue in the face doesn’t make it true.

Is your point now, that I was implying they were being brought to cutting edge prog content, because they “feel good”? Are you going to ignore the fact that I was replying to a comment about utility?

Geez man, this is getting out of hand.

To come full circle, regardless of the state holy pallies are in as a class in terms of “feel”, they clearly still have very sought after utility in very important aspects of the game.

That post had a lot of things in it, not just the comment about utility.

You literally took one section of that entire post and didn’t even quote the part about utility while also not mentioning utility in your response.

I’m not a mind reader. I only responded to what I read and just offered some further clarification. I wasn’t coming at you.

You quoted and responded ambiguously. After I gave my input you responded with specifics.

What you’re arguing about specifically isn’t what I was even talking about in my original post. You’re trying to make it seem like I’m one changing the subject when the subject was left up for interpretation in the first place.

I’ll quote the entire post I pulled from…

Not sure how one have to be a mind reader to understand that I was commenting on pallies utility/uniqueness/still having reasons to get them invited to content.

Now, one can say the second half left it ambiguous, but one would be wrong, because how the hell would how holy paladins feel to the poster, be at all influential to pallies being brought to content? You are not going to bring a pally to raid because the person playing the pally “feels good while doing it”, you are going to bring them for what they bring to the team.

im having a blast with my holy paladin :smiley: everyone here is all doom and gloom

So far, im really enjoying the way it plays in heroic, but im waiting until my guild is in mythic before I make my “final decision” lol.

I was doing really well with caster in S1 up until I started progressing into mythic, after which it became completely unplayable due to all of the required movement and I had to switch to melee.

Im guessing that wont be an issue now, with the top pallies casting 50+ FoLs in mythic encounters, but that is going to be how I make my final decision :slight_smile:

Buff Holy Shock and WoG. Both are the lion’s share of our raw healing output and neither got touched following Blizzard’s ideology change regarding healer spot healing vs healing CD output.


It is bad design, limits the playstyle to a single build and most importanly, makes us one if not the healer with lowest dps currently in both type of PVE contents.

And please decrease HS, WoG and CS mana cost for the love of god.

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The current hpal or my suggestion about a singles strongeer casted spell with increased mana cost when cast without IoL, but free with IoL?

Current caster hpal. At least if you want to have it include denounce and harsh words and make caster be more viable in dps numbers too!

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just make spenders free again and buff them significantly and both sides are happy…

Imagine being taken to a mythic raid because you offer a little of something and everyone else has to prop you up because your build and class were gutted and cookie cuttered into a box. Imagine knowing you’re only there to provide a few utilities, not because your class is actually viable or good.

Imagine not being taken because none of your utility is unique, and other healers do everything you do, but a lot better.

Neither are ideal, but id rather the former than the latter.

Go play MW Fistweave Monk.

So just remove holy power altogether then? :clown_face:

TF? obviously we are talking about mana here… because the mana cost got added? lets please use some braincells here…


Would it be the same if I say: “You go play Hpriest, Discipline,Rshaman, ranged MW or Prevoker then?”. Oh yeah, there were only 2 melee healers in the game, Fistweaver and pre S3 Hpal.

Not counting Rdruid since its casts are pretty much all instant lmao.

I mean, if someone was complaining about Feral Druid not having a lot of stealth interactions, I’d direct them to go play a Rogue instead.

People just come to the forums to complain, and get even more upset when people disagree with them. Holy Paladin and Paladin in general has received a great rework this expansion. As someone already mentioned, you can literally play a melee style or a ranged style.

Are people just crying for the sake of crying?

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