Logitech g600 side mouse buttons

I’m having some sudden problems with my g600. I’m not sure if there was a stealth update to the Logitech G Hub but suddenly the side buttons do not register to the keybinds I have in wow. The g9 to g17 are bound to the num pad keys. When I play though, the side buttons register as if the num lock is off, whether it’s on or off. When I quit the G Hub app they seemingly work better aside from a few buttons, and by that I mean they act as the num pad keys I originally bound…

If anyone can help or point me in the right direction I would be eternally grateful. Thank you!

i uaed to use one of these… did you try to re-bound all the keybinds? i think there’s a setting in the software where you can select to use the profile stored in the software or the profile stored in the mouse itself.

it’s beenawhile tho… using a corsair now

iv had to rebind mine before once or twice, been a while now but it just up and forgot my profile at one point and I had to make a new one.