Login Servers are Full

I was surprised by getting this message, I wait for the que, then I get disconnected when the game attempts to log in. Anyone else having the same issue?

edit: just FYI, attempted to login 3 times after waiting for the que and I automatically get disconnected. I suppose trying to log in right now won’t help, might as well just let it rest for a bit and wait for a blue response.

edit 2: jesus, just tried logging in at hearthstone and the same deal is going on there, lol. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this reeks of DDoS.


Me too…just happened


Same here, yep. The position in queue increases every time I try to hop on, as is the estimated time. Looks like the login server is kablooie.


Ditto, 9 minutes for position 20 seems excessive.

Same here

Then it disconnects you once you get to position 0

Now 35 minutes queue

yup same here. Just created a threat about it as there weren’t any and now there’s several

same here, random disconnect followed by Login servers full message when trying to reconnect.

Disconnects when finally 1 in the queue…

Same…I thought Blizzard was giving out free stuff…guess its a bug

Same here, cannot even login to Bnet.

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11 mins for 15 so that’s great.

Yeah stuck on logging into the launcher, timer keeps going up. Just wanted to play a bit while eating lunch damn it!

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Likewise… was 7 minuets when I first got on, and in 5 minuets my wait time has gone up to 26 minuets and rising. Hmmmmm

Same. Yayy for patch day

wait a minute


Same. Got d/c’d. Was in a que with 2 people ahead of me and got d/c instantly when it was my turn… Now in a que for 20 people… even longer que…

Server: Antonidas

Just logged out on a character to do a toon swap and was disconnected. Upon restarting the game, it says I’m 23rd in queue and it’ll be about 12 minutes.

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Same here, tried several times, after waiting in que, got disconnected (BLZ51901016).

Why is it that login server problems happen the same week that log in servers are maintenanced? :thinking:

Add another to the list

are they getting a DDOS attack again?

Blue post telling us what’s up when?