Login screen for TWW

It’s simplistic and basic and matches the box art (collector’s edition) for the expansion. Lets be honest login screen shouldn’t need all of the VFX.

I miss the days of just a gate that changes colors lol. Even the wrath and cata ones are simple, just a big old fat dragon sitting there at a gate.

Oh I loved deathwing log in screen.

Also that thing reminds me of the chamber of heart.

Way too basic for me, tbh.

According to whom?? WotLK, Cataclysm, MoP were the most beautiful ones and they definitely have the most SFX. This is just…lazyness. It literally could’ve been Hallowfall with the giant colour-changing crystal.


well then you have what you deserve, hope blizzard keep this ‘quality’ for you guys

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Looks like a login screen for Hearthstone lol

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We’ll see what it is like when it is implemented on the Beta. There could be more to it. If not :dracthyr_shrug: Not really a big deal for me. Just a log in screen.

I 100% hate it… it is not just simple, it is boring… It reminds me of a mobile game loading screen.


Its a dwarf expansion , so it should have had dwarf offering us ale :smiley:

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