Logical Thoughts

No, those are pretty much all of them.


I am both reasonable and open to being corrected. Feel free to provide additional facts to either alter or refute my OP. Stating “there are additional facts” without providing any additional detail reveals more about your character than my own.


You say op is wrong and that there is more to it, but fail to elaborate and provide anymore details?

Could you please provide more of these “facts” that’s op is missing?

Atm all your doing is using language to make yourself appear correct without actually providing any kind of argument whatsoever, pretty stupid of you, “friend”.


Fact: Nobody expected at launch that servers would be allowed to have 3x and even 5x the population levels compared to vanilla. Kinda changes things a bit there professor.


Irrelevant. A cop out excuse made by salty players that need an excuse for outrage.

“I wanted pvp, but not that much pvp!”

Also anyone with a functioning brain could see servers were going to be busier.


A lot of people expected this.

They were flat out told before launch.


Please see updated OP. As stated, I am happy to be corrected.

-Overall tendencies doesn’t tell you a whole lot about how a specific server will look 3 months after you created and leveled your character. It’s a toss up, in favor of the horde, but it’s still a toss up.
-Information is often unreliable simply due to confusion (some people remember having meeting stones in vanilla, but they forgot they couldn’t summon people then, for example)
-It does not follow logically that because more players are playing one faction that every high level zones have their flight master camped.
-This is especially true since these people were able to level up and farm prior to honour release. Is it expected that more people will be out participating in PvP by then? Yes, but being unable to play the game is unprecedented, and it does not follow logically that honour is out means one faction doesn’t get to play. A number of things could have happened (e.g. there would be regions without pvp at a particular moment where you can continue to level up or farm, or you get a group or two, get wiped by them but eventually make your way to the dungeon instead of literally the whole area between the flight master and the dungeon is filled with one faction).
-People might still enjoy playing on PvP servers under other circumstances.
-Rerolling might just be worse than not playing. Complaining is seen as a better option, followed by quitting. And they don’t want to quit playing.


If your thoughts were logical, you wouldn’t have to describe them as logical.


I agree with OP.

If realm caps are significantly higher and say the did lower it, you would find yourself at roughly the same dis/advantage.

Even with a higher population cap, percentages remain percentages and a higher population would still result in similar percentages of players. If the typical Vanilla spread was 70/30 with a set percentage of players choosing to abstain from PvP, those figures would remain largely the same even with a higher population cap. (Thanks to Superstar for showing that I left this out)

This is where you are wrong. Higher populations force more people into the same space. Slight percentage imbalance is way more people than it was in 2004. Try again.


I’m just grateful that you tough guys are here to set me straight on the complaining. I mean, it’s not like you’re actually having the same experience as those complaining, but that’s irrelevant, right? Why try to see something from someone else’s point of view when you can pump up your own ego by insulting others instead? Thanks for adding so much to the community.


No dogs in the fight either but…

if there are say 5x more people on a server than there were then, 30/70 looks like…

2006 10,000 pop ( just a for instance) <-> 50,000 pop now
2006 30% = 3000 vs 70% = 7000 difference of 4000
Now 30% = 15,000 vs 70% = 35, 000. difference of 20,000
16,000 more people available to kill outnumbered faction. = yes, way more people

I would agree, if you want to level and raid or w/e, get off the server, at least for a while.


Every thing you said here is player-controlled.

False. Blizzard straight up told everyone that would happen in a blue post long before launch. Ignorance is not an excuse.

  1. I made no personal attacks so any offense taken was the readers doing.
  2. You cannot view a topic objectively and through another point of view at the same time. This is literally impossible. My OP is an objective viewpoint, this is why I stated I have no dog in this fight.
  3. You are most welcome!

Nuff said.

That was only true before Blizzard opened unrestricted transfers. Blizzard launched with nowhere near enough servers, so in order to take advantage of the name reservation (which was a big advertising point and caused people to resub early), you were guaranteed to be on one of the super overpopulated realms. On top of that, not showing faction balance on target realms, basic human nature is going to cause the farmed side to take free transfers off, ruining population on both realms. Anyone who rolled on said servers before Blizzard opened the floodgates just gets screwed. So no, its not an entirely player-controlled problem, Blizzard’s choices screwed it up.

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Stupid argument. You shouldn’t need to rely on a external forum to know there were going to be larger server sizes. I didn’t realise there was a larger server cap size until I was waiting for my ony buff for my first raid. I only started looking at these forums until a week ago.

What you are saying is you have to completely invested into the classic hype and checking forums all the time up until release and if you fail to do so you are an idiot becuase blue post said so in Aug 17th. Ok bud.


OP doesn’t understand what “logic” is. What he states is a mix of his opinion and a few facts.

For instance, yes, there are many hours of reading on the internet where many things are said about pvp in general. Despite the OP’s claim that there is a universal consensus, there is not. The OP feels that everyone should have read and found the exact excerpts that agree with him rather than believe what posters on the forum and other players were saying.

The idea that it is somehow “logical” to reroll now is garbage. The only truly logical thing to do is to realize that at this point you are so far behind that you can never catch up. You will never raid. You will probably never be able to do the dungeons you need to get pre-bis.

Most people think that their opinion is “logical”, and all others are “illogical”.