Logging into beta showing wrong wow accounts

Anyone else have this issue. When I log in, the game allows be to choose between wow6 or wow2, which look to be old PTR accounts. I can’t copy characters from my main account, shows I have none.


One is the PTR realm and the other is Beta. Beta servers are Alleria, Khadgar, and Eleven (which btw is the max level only endgame server).

I think someone somewhere also said character copy isn’t enabled currently. You can create a test character that starts at level 70 tho.

Under Template Character just select Create Character and continue from there.


This is before the server selection part. It’s happening during the login process, during the connecting phase. I am also choosing the beta and not the PTR. Just asks me to select an account and gives me options that are not either on my main accounts.


Yup I saw wow account 4 and 8 and I don’t have a WoW4 or WoW8 on this account. I chose 8 anyway though, or the second option as that was the beta account.

I’m not even given a choice, even when I deliberately go back to where you’d normally sign in at.

Side-note, I have only 26 mounts and 4 pets now, including some that I don’t actually have on the live servers.


Yeah it seems the choice they gave me was the starter account and not my actual account. Which gives me none of my account wide stuff unfotunately.

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This is the same I see a WoW1 and WoW9 account after login but not my regular marked account. I submitted a ticket but it got no where. The GM said that you should be able to select the proper account on your launcher before launching the beta, lo and behold there is no account selection on the launcher for beta.

Interested in how they tied this to our accounts if we can’t see the proper one but can see the ones that do not have War Within tied to them.

Same issue. I just put in a ticket and I’ll see what they tell me.



Also, Beta access is supposed to allow us to post images so we can report bugs a lot easier. This needs changing immediately, too.

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Yes, I see accts 1, 6, 9, 10, and 11; also whenever I try to give feedback at the end (of the starter quests) I get d’cd under err 319. The test realms are still incompatible and I created a toon on Alleria. Is all the bs part of the stress test? Because I am stressed. You would think after 20 years Blizzard would be able to start the Beta without incident. You cannot test the game if you cannot play it.

I believe this is intentional. I don’t have my pets, mounts and a very limited mog selection.

It probably allows them to isolate issues quicker. Ad the beta continues i would bet eventually we’ll getvaccess to our normal stuff

Something is definitely off with some of our accounts. I don’t have access to any account at all when I try. I get a dropdown box for NA, but it’s all blank. There are no accounts listed.


Same here. And when actually logging into the beta it looks like the majority of us aren’t even getting the right account to pop up. For me it’s “WoW1” or “WoW2”, both of which are starter accounts I only ever used for level 20 alts.

Hopefully they tackle this soon, because I imagine a lot of us want to test a few things that require us having our account-wide stuff.

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good luck. i couldn’t even put in a ticket for it…just gave me the option to remove my starter accounts. i’ve given up on gettin in the beta at this point and am gonna petition for a refund.

Same thing is happening to me, with apparently no way to remove the old PTR accounts, it offers every account except my main one I logged in from. I tried pasting my account folder into the beta folder, that did nothing either. I submitted a ticket, waiting for any response.

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I don’t think it is; one of our guildies was also in and he had several hundred mounts at his disposal, but was able to confirm a few of them were missing.

Also, with dragonriding impacting so many mounts now, it seems like we’d want as many available for testing of animations, etc. as possible.


Just adding a +1 to missing my account when i login


Adding to this. I’m having the same issue. Missing all mounts, mogs, toys, heirlooms, druid forms, etc. I have no characters available to copy. Looking at my account page, the beta is using some old PTR account that I’ve never used rather than my main account.


I’m having the same issue (it’s offering me WOW1 and WOW10 but not my main account name.

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If I remember correctly from previous beta tests, they don’t use your actual live account names for the beta account. It seems that the current issue is just that we can’t copy our account settings over from Live, and that is why everyone is seeing the discrepancies.

Granted, that’s just from previous experience, and as we all know, “the past does not predict the future.” -Ghost (Enter the Matrix)

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