You ever see those stupid images people post on social media that show a log cabin in the woods along a lake, then pose a question similar to, “Would you stay here for a year with no internet, no phone, no TV, for $1,000,000?”
Most would say, “Heck yeah!”
Well, imagine that cabin with no modern amenities is WoW TBC Classic. We, the people being offered a stay in the cabin, are the players of WoW TBC Classic. The payoff, the $1,000,000, is the satisfaction of accomplishment. The devices that are prohibited from this challenge are the QoL items people are asking to be added to the game. If someone were to take up that challenge, but snuck in a phone or tablet into that cabin, they would lose the $1,000,000. If you push Blizzard hard enough to where they add QoL changes to this game, you will lose the prize…the satisfaction of accomplishing something without those changes.
pretty poor analogy to say playing TBC classic is similar to doing something people wouldn’t want to do normally, and that they have to be enticed with a reward like a million dollars
instead of, you know, doing it because they enjoy it
So because someone else can choose $500,000 to only stay in the cabin for half a year, that sullies your $1,000,000 reward in some way?
That just brings me back to “the point of the game is to enjoy it, not for the reward of slogging through it”. If you were actually having fun then that fun wouldn’t be ruined by someone else skipping the irrelevant content in order to get to the actual current expansion
They are still getting their $1,000,000 reward but they are allowed to bring along an ipad with internet access for a small fee. if we’re going off this analogy.
this mindset needs to die asap. Azeroth is not “irrelevant” just because TBC is out. that is a very modern retail-y mindset. The boost only makes it worse since the people who enjoy the “irrelevant slog” are left high and dry because the people joining late can pay to skip.
No, they’re getting half, because they’re skipping half. Stop trying to have your cake and eat it too, either the $1,000,000 is the enjoyment of the journey or it’s the satisfaction at the end of said journey, it can’t be both
it absolutely is, otherwise they would not have released Classic Era servers
ironic consider that is what boosters are doing. the analogy isn’t the best. the 1mil is for putting in the work of the “boring irrelevant slog” (cabin in the woods for a year with no modern technology) and being rewarded for the time you put in.
those are for people who also enjoy the class designs and meta of vanilla WoW.
when I first started playing WoW people still had to level every new character from the ground up so the old world was still poppin with people leveling alts and new players who joined the party “late” now you can pay a fee to skip that and rub elbows with the people who have been playing for longer and put forth the time to level their characters and farm gold and get gear and what have you.
and that’s entirely my point why the analogy falls flat. it implies that playing the game is unenjoyable and that the only reason it’s worth doing is for the reward at the end, the satisfaction of having done it, and that being able to skip part of that ruins it
the point of playing the game is because you enjoy it, and if you enjoy it then other people being able to skip unimportant parts should not bother you
you and I must be playing different games then, because leveling my draenei and blood elf I’ve seen other people everywhere while leveling
or maybe you’re just exaggerating given that you can only boost one character AND draenei and blood elves are exempt from the boost so there are plenty of people leveling a draenei or blood elf alt to play with