Locks are immortal in solo shuffle

And it’s oppressive. This armor buff really favored locks.

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The amount of armor we gained isnt even more than 5% infact they nerfed demon armor just for that. Infact your class got more buffs than we did


Do you mean destro/demo? Destro is usually good at the end of an expansion due to stat scaling. Affliction has one school.

Locks are hard to fight when their teammates peel, which doesn’t happen till higher ratings. At lower CR it’s miserable. I play affliction for context, but I think I’m posting on my shaman.

The armor buff was more for mages and priests, I feel like. The fear buff I can see as being annoying, though.

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Rey palies are a damage machine, learn when use your cds when cc and stun, locks have 3 major defenses, its is not that op if you know what you doing.


Armor buff was a net zero effect to warlocks btw. Nothing changed.

Good luck in your search to find a another excuse for your performance in rated pvp


With the nerf to demon skin I think the patch resulted in warlocks taking 0.1% less physical damage. Stop the :billed_cap:


Guess you didn’t see the cut out demon armor by 50% so we got no buff. This goes to show half the complaining is in peoples minds


QUeing solo’s last night on my mage at 2300+ mmr and we killed locks left and right lol it was actually funny and crazy how easy it was.


> Locks immortal in shuffle
> Lock literally the #1 highest first death rate class in SS
> Armor buff accounts for exactly 0.1% more armor


Yeah, i still frequently get destroyed by melee and hunters. Do have a question as i just started getting back into pvp. I’m assuming versatility is crucial in pvp. What’s the ideal percentage? I’m currently sitting at 8% which i know is low for pvp.

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28% outside of arena I think

Lots of good info here. Has brackets for SS/2s/3s and Mplus

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8% is low. My gear is trash and I have 35% vers. Ideally ~30% and 35+% haste. That is if you play affliction but I think destro and demo have the same stat priorities.

If you’re fighting melee cleave taking impish instincts is a necessity. I like Jinx, as does the top affliction lock in 3s because it reduces the globals necessary to stack dots. Then rampant affliction to stack more damage on the entire opposing team. Leading with UA then a curse is good because it’ll discourage dispels.

I haven’t played a lot since the season started so I’m just getting back into arena for a bit.

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