Locking your information from third party sites

There is, all allowed by Blizzard’s API. What part of that do you not understand. Some sites have the option to bypass that option in the settings, in to regards they have an option to disable it via an alternative means.

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Name those sites and type up my name and show it.

My question is why is this a problem? Why do you have to hide?
Generalized question, has nothing to do with you personally


Ok you have seen one too many 90’s tech movies like the matrix and have no idea what you are on about so let me break it down real, real slow for you. No hacking required we have access to the API that keeps track of spell id’s, item id’s, mount id’s, pet id’s all id’s in the game. Those ID’s are not your personal info but the item/ability in the games info it just happens to be attached to you and in the case of mounts/pets they are attached to every char on your account.


How about you start googling the hundreds of sites instead, since your the one who wants to make such claims of “hacking.”


What are you so afraid of?

Is your life somehow going to change if someone knows you have a gnome monk named Bob?

I’m genuinely curious why this scares you so much. It’s kinda suspicious.


And in turn I don’t trust you nor a single thing you say.


You claim that there are sites out there that could bypass the game data sharing functionality so the burden falls on you. My dear.

There is, but your the one claiming they are “hacking.” So, if you want to know the sites, you go and do the research yourself.


and yet you want battletags…rules for thee not for me.

Because you can’t easily go from a btag to an in-game character, whereas it’s reasonably trivial to go the other way.

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And what can one find through my BattleTag.

Here it is, Saracalia#1520, please, find out something through my BattleTag.


I am done with you. Have a nice day. And bye.

I don’t. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Battletags are literally safer. Your whole account is under one name and no one can do anything with that name except for add you.

If you don’t know them, reject the request or block them.


Yeah, cool. In otherwords, you want to make such claims, and act like you know everything, and then also to make claims of harassment and stalking.

Yeah, I know what to do with this thread.


If you don’t take advantage of the current alt-swap functionality to misbehave on the forums, almost nobody will bother to check.


Vongola#1794 is right there with ya

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This is required for many addons to function and track. It will completely block rio from working. also the information is nothing sensitive. Its really jsust run, loot and gear information. Its very bare bones. Hardly secur8ng anything.


I would read the above. None of it is private information.