Locking "steady flight" behind Pathfinding is an accessibility issue

I wouldn’t describe it as ‘power’ but it is definitely manipulative. People who really need accommodation are put into positions of not being believed when everyone and their dog starts to claim they need accommodation for the minor inconveniences in life.

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I have survived, but I play video games for fun, getting motion sickness is not fun.

Why are you so against Static flight for people whom want it?


I have already answered that question three times in this thread.

lol. I have no achievements in Dragonflight. If I do, it was an achievements for crashing into the most ridiculous things more than any other player - Achievement awarded to the worse dragon flyer in the game. I skipped the Dragonflight Expansion. (Why do you make these things up?)

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I wasn’t replying to you. I know you don’t, however, do you want me to examine your achievements in more detail to see if you managed to play all throughout dragonflight without normal flying?

And I checked the European who started the thread - I personally think they should be ignored since even blizzard can’t see what they have done on their European account.

Also you are level 70 and have dragonflight expansion achievements so why do you make things up?

The level 70 is because I bought the Epic edition and did a level 70 boost trying to work down all my Blizzard credits. I never played Dragonflight.


so the boost comes with achievements now?


This is starting to get to Mr. Fantastic levels of reaching.

What does it matter that they got Dragonriding achievements?

It doesn’t change the fact that the Pathfinder lock for Static Flight is still stupid and petty.

If people want to be up their butts about the accessibility concern, there needs to be a reason why Static Flight is locked, but the significantly faster and more useful Dynamic Flying is not.

Thus far, no actual argument exists.

If you want to argue it’s for gameplay, then Dynamic Flying should be blocked off as well, and traversal needs to make a lot more use of things that actually interact with the world, such as climbing and things.


This could be an exciting development! If those achievements are for the exploring requirement for dragonriding, then maybe Blizzard is moving ahead to enable static flying during beta early on. I have never ventured beyond the starting zone. What do you think?

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Not with a valid reply


sure I did try again

I read all of your posts, nothing comes close to a valid reason to disable static flying.

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this is what you asked me.

there is a lot of room to skyride… underground

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That is a subjective question.
I don’t have any disabilities but skyriding makes my hands very tired. Whenever possible I take flightpath.
Then, without having any disability, in my case it is also accessibility. No one is in charge of determining what is accessibility and what is not. If there are 2 options and 1 cannot be taken, it is accessibility.

The previous pathfinders were about speed; the flying mount is faster than the terrestrial one. In this case it is the other way around; Skyriding is faster than static flight.
If it is not a benefit but a “harm”, the postponement of the concession is not understood.

“Oh, so you want to move slower. Okay, you’re going to have to get an achievement to be able to move slower.” ¿ ?


There is no logic too it. Blizzard is just being spiteful with it.

Everyone didn’t fall in love with their dragonriding tech, so now they’ll force you to use it and love it until you earn the right to sky-fly, something they’ve been trying to kill for years.

It’s also why static-to-dynamic is a 5 second toggle requires you to be on the ground. To make it as inconvenient as possible to encourage you to pick one or the other, and the majority will likely pick dynamic.


I have always moved my character (and my mount, everything) with the 2 mouse buttons, left and right. This is how I move and even though I have tried to switch to “wasd” I can’t. Okay, on the loading screen Blizzard says “you can also move your character with the 2 mouse buttons”, so I’m not breaking any rules.
Try skyriding with the 2 mouse buttons. The hand and arm become cramped. (Really, try it and see what happens; I can tell you, your elbow will burn).
That’s why I use the static mount.


Accessibility has a specific meaning for people with disabilities. Your complaint is more related to choice. And since it relates to disabilities, there are laws that do specify what is accessible or not. Game companies are not required to accommodate people with disabilities in the actual playing of the game - it would be an impossible task for an optional choice people make.

Accessibility can be viewed as the “ability to access” and benefit from some system or entity. The concept focuses on enabling access for people with disabilities, or enabling access through the use of assistive technology

As somebody who loves Dragonriding, what exact reasons are there for this?


I keep thinking of SWTOR. There’s a thing that they do there and I think it’s a good compromise/solution for Blizzard.

Every time a player finishes a quest hub, they’re given a ride to the next hub without having discovered it.

I think it’s a good way for people to get flight points easily. Yes, there’s still the terrain to navigate, and Blizzard could add options for players to hitch a ride with a NPC to faraway places. It’s been done many times in WoW before (a couple examples: you get a ride on a worg from Sen’jin Village to Razor Hill in Durotar, and you can get flown to the starting point for each new quest chain in the Operation: Landfall chapter in Krasarang Wilds).