Locking "steady flight" behind Pathfinding is an accessibility issue

It’s such a ridiculous requirement and became completely unnecessary once dragonriding was introduced. Both types of flying should be unlocked at the same time in the same way.

For some reason Blizz just loves pissing off players for no reason and can’t take easy wins.


You are in a unique position then. Do what you can. I really love to be wrong.
I just don’t have any hope it will happen without pressure.

As someone with a disability I’m really tired of people crutching on the “accessibility issue” thing.

Really bloody tired of it.

In various threads we’ve given multiple options on how to solve it for various physical disabilities but no one wants to use any of them, but instead demands the game change to fit a minority.

I have no depth perception. I have one frickin eye that works, and half rats at that. I know folks with worse eyesight than I have. We dragonride just fine.

Mobility issues, I have friends with neurological issues in their hands. You can do everything from MMO mice to foot controls to play with one hand. No one wants to do that, either.

Why the hell is this a problem in WoW, when you never see this sort of complaint in other games? Just do the dang pathfinder and you’ll be able to fly. If ride along still works, make a buddy that can take you around to discover the map. Plenty of options.

Despite being dang near blind with crippling social anxiety I push myself regularly to get things I want done. I’ve traveled the world solo. I do “dangerous” activities. I overcome. So can you.


Not all accessibility issues can be overcome.


I have no disability, so my word means about as much as stank on a piece of feces.

But I will say “I can do it, so can you” is about the dumbest counterargument I’ve ever heard.

It’s the equivalent to saying “Just stop being feeling bad then you won’t be depressed.” I’m sorry Sharon (I know you’re name is likely not Sharon, it’s part of the joke), not everyone can just decide to ignore their conditions.

Basically this.

And that’s ignores the fact that again even if you do want to decide disabled people should just get over themselves because you can, that doesn’t change the fact that from a gameplay perspective, locking Static Flight behind Pathfinder just doesn’t make sense.

The the logic isn’t logic-ing. There’s almost no gameplay benefit to static flight except I think druids will be able to pick resources while still in flight form. Beyond that, it’s just a significantly slower form of transportation.

If the goal is they want players to explore these new zones, well Static flying will let you do so a hell of a lot better than Dragonriding. If they want the world to feel more interactive, well I’m sorry to burst everyone’s bubble but Dragonriding doesnt make the world itself any more interactive, it just makes the act of traveling from point a to point be interactive. If they wanted that, they’d not include Dragonriding either and traversal would be locked to whatever mechanics get us there on foot, such as running, climbing and gliding or something.


Minor to you, not to me.


Making the minority and even smaller minority.

Vast majority of them can be overcome to play a video game.

And if you have trouble playing said game, maybe you shouldn’t play it? They’re not going to change it for less than 1% of the population. Especially not when the requirements really aren’t that hard.

Nor is dragonriding. You bind a mouse button to jump, hit that a couple times to take off, hit it occasionally to maintain altitude, and steer with the mouse. It’s really not difficult.

But I’m done with this argument, I’m going to die on this hill. I’m sick and bloody tired of people crutching on this stuff.


I am also blind in one eye, what does that have to do with it? I get motion sickness with Skyriding, it’s that simple. I have no problems with static flight. Currently in Beta, you can’t disable Skyriding graphic effects.


It’s not just an accessibility issue. Some people just don’t like dragonriding and prefer regular flying. Blizz should stop telling players they want us to play how we want if they don’t mean it.

Having regular flying available immediately without having to complete a Pathfinder achievement doesn’t negatively impact people who prefer dragonriding so I don’t understand why anyone is advocating on Blizz’s behalf on this issue.


IMHO, no one has given a valid argument as to why static flying is locked behind dynamic flying. Maybe you could.


Because there is no valid argument is what I’m saying.

Any valid argument would also require Dragonriding to be locked away too.

It’s only locked behind pathfinder out of spite. First because they couldn’t kill it in WoD, now because they couldn’t kill it with Dragonriding in DF.


if you can’t overcome them yourself then no game company is legally obligated to change the game to accommodate you. The fact that people have played for decades with ground mounts without complaining accessibility issues is going to make you argument very hard to take seriously.

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lol - corporations are legally required to maximize profits, then can be sued if they don’t but go ahead and threaten them with your shares.

Why is dynamic flying an obstacle that needs to be overcome? It’s like saying you can’t use ground mounts before you unlock flying.


it isn’t - you can do without it. You are the ones who stated some accessibility issues can’t be overcome. You have played since 2013 a lot of that time without being able to fly at all so nothing stopping you from continuing as usual.

what is it about players using static flying early in the game that upsets you?


No I’m saying Skyriding gives me motion sickness, it’s not fun. For me it’s not a disability to overcome.


nothing - I think they should put it in but I hate people who get a little motion sick claiming this is an accessibility issue to try and guilt trip blizzard into doing what they want.

So, you see this as a power issue. It’s not. It’s being accommodating when there is no reason not to be accommodating.


yet you have a lot of dragonflying achievements in Dragonflight - seems to me you should be able to survive just fine without normal flying for a day or two.

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