Locked out of pet battles?

Eek, I’m sorry. At least I know it was this toon I did the achievement on and can prove the screenshot with the date.


So far the responses I’m getting are in the following categories:

  1. We have fixed your issue, please log back in.
  2. The stock “Reset your UI and retest with no add-ons.”
  3. Please wait for a hotfix if it has a “detrimental effect on the world.”

It seems it would be simple for support to send the Azeroth Minis back for my collection or re-enable the Battle Pet Training flag for my account but support is currently either being difficult or unwilling to address the issues.

I’ve included screenshots and exactly what I’m asking for – restore the training to my account and add the minis back. Hopefully reopening the ticket enough will get someone to actually read and fix the issue caused by the character transfer.

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For the battle pet - did you try going to SW and relearning it? That worked for me (though I do not know if they unlocked something first). You have to go through the trainers little menu but it was there for me.

I don’t know what to tell you about the minis.



That’s what irks me about customer support, it’s public information that I have trained in pet battles and I hate pet battles but it’s demonstrably provable and they should just restore what they messed up during the character transfer.


Same with the progress toward Most Minis Wins


In my opinion it sets a bad precedence if I just re-learn and re-collect things that they’ve lost while completing paid character services only to loose them again later, once again due to a service I paid for for my subscription service.


Oh, I do forget when posting links to switch to the same character/realm the links came from :slight_smile: At any rate, if a paid service causes a customer pain, a customer should not have to pay more to resolve it themselves.

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I did a service transfer also, but was able to run pet battles on all toons, at least 13. It was a day later that I was now locked out.


Right? It’s really irritating. I pay them monthly, I pay them for the expansion, and then I paid extra for a transfer. And yet from some on these forums I am supposed to be the one that should be going easy on them. What?

Anyways, I hear you loud and clear. We paid, they broke it, they should fix it. Like we would expect from any other paid service.

This was reported to them by Oct 15th. Still not acknowledged on the known issues and they are still accepting money for character services knowing it is resetting progress and breaking features with no known fix and GMs unable to help.

Really sad to see.

Not every issue is acknowledged on the Known Issues support page. However, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t known or being worked on. If they listed every single one, especially after a major patch, they would be updating the list, rather than working on fixing the problems.

Not every bug affects everyone. They would bring down a character service, if it affected the majority of players. I have seen no reports that everyone that uses a character or account service becomes impacted by this bug. I have friends that are transferring right now, and they aren’t affected.


Because they fixed it a while ago. The problem isn’t happening right now if you transferred, it was only affecting people in a narrow window of time.

Anyway I’ve given up on hoping they’re going to fix it. It’s a niche of a niche problem and they’ve got bigger things to worry about and nobody seems to understand what the problem even is. I’m just going to have to relearn the manapoof portals, redo the hatchling quest chains, buy the bigger pet portal again, etc.

And never, ever, ever buy another Blizzard service, ever again. My characters are what they are, where they are - end of story. Once bitten twice shy and all that.

(eta I’d have thought my issues were easily fixed given I have achievements - that I still have, they’re not gone - that CLEARLY show I’ve completed all the quests that are now available again)

just because there isn’t an instant fix, doesn’t mean it’s not going to be fixed at all.

if they throw an “easy fix” at it, it could cause more issues.


That’s fine, but I’m not going to sit around and wait for it :slight_smile:

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In my case, I don’t think there is an easy fix. The GM looked at my account - saw the appropriate achievements and replaced the two missing pet portal items to increase the limit. However, I can’t use them as I get an error message saying the limit is already reached.

So I opened another ticket and am hoping they can tweak it. Being 400+ pets over the limit means the amount of work to get the number under 1k to learn new ones would be horrific.



GM reset some flags on my account and pet battles are now unlocked, I don’t know about the quest progress but honestly don’t care about that, it’s potentially cheap XP points should I want to pursue the questline again.

My Azeroth Minis collection is back as well, though not sure how it was restored, that ticket was checking the wrong character (not the one that did the Mechagon, one of them that didn’t do Mechagon) but progress was indeed restored for that as well.

I guess I should mention, I had completed a prior realm transfer without issue. There’s possibly some side-effects, my battle lineup was reset and the clicky for my favorite pet (cooking fire) needed to be reset as well. My per-pet statistics may have also been lost and your milage may vary.

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They managed to go into my account and flip the flag or whatever it is and I am back to my 2k little pet limit - which makes me ever so happy. I’m very glad yours is back as well.



FYI I went about getting a new Interdimensional Pet Portal for myself, and went through all the pet dungeons again so I could once again access Manapoof’s portals and do the challenge modes. However despite talking to Tasha Riley and selecting her option to join them, I don’t get the Minion of Mayhem title back.

Edit: I just gave deleting cache a go and it did it, it’s there now.

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I’m locked out of pet battle period. Says I need training and achievements. which I have. Tried putting a ticket in and it just loops you around and around. there is NO article for this why do they make it so hard to submit a ticket!!!

Here: Screen Shot

If anyone can give me step by step instructions on how to get an ACTUALLY ticket in for this. Much appreciated.

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I believe that they were using the following option for putting in a ticket:



My first ticket was in game - but then when I got the auto-response in email, I clicked there and it took me to a web-ticket (which was so much easier to use).

I hope that helps!


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I had the same problem on two toons and now I cant seem to delete pet battle quests at all under the quest log including the pet battle weekly one which I don’t know what to do.

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I got a kind GM to fix my pet capacity, but still wondering about quest flags and the Minion of Mayhem title. If a GM can fix quest flags for another poster above, are they able to do it also so that we don’t have to repeat all the dungeons again to acquire the title? I’m just being stubborn, I was done with all the dungeons for the expansion, shouldn’t have to do them all again for Blizzard’s mistake. So I wonder if they can flag the first 4 so we only need to complete BRD.