Lock/DK looking for good community for Shadowlands

Recently returned to my graveyard of a server, looking to transfer to a more lively horde one for the xpac.

This toon looks like garbage but I swear it’s my “main”. (vanilla-cata, with it being most active in BC and wrath. Tried to main a monk in late Legion/early BFA but burned out on artifact systems pretty quickly. Was however able to get up to +9 keys as the brewmaster monk in the first couple months, so I understand the M+ system and looking forward to getting back into it for SL. Was also able to get about 1870 rating as mistweaver in RBG.

What I’m looking for:

People that take their content seriously, but don’t rage at each other. I will mainly be focused on M+ for both lock and DK, as well as Rated and Random BGs. Achievement hunting is always a plus.

Raiding is highly unlikely with my current RL schedule, but who knows, maybe I can hop in some heroics here and there.

Not looking for a silent “wal-mart” guild of 500 people that never communicate. I wanna join a group of people that will push content and take their commitments seriously, without dropping group after the first wipe/loss.

If I sound like I could be a good match for your group, hit me up here or @Blirish#1970. Looking forward to it.

My lock has not yet transferred but my DK is already on Mal’ganis.

Hey! We’re Aggressively Average. We will be raiding Sunday nights at 7pm server but we mainly enjoy pushing keys. We mainly raid heroics, but we may try to dip into Mythic this expansion. We’re laid back and just like to have fun. Honestly when i joined the guild and did Heroic Nyalotha with them, it was the most calm raid experience Ive had ever. No joke. We welcome all classes and all experience.

There isn’t pressure in the guild to raid or even to do keys, you do what you’re comfortable with. We’re pretty active and social. If you want more info you can message me on BNET Awolturtle #1954 or Discord Awolturtle#7559

Thanks! Added you.