Lockboxes worth keeping?

I’m a new player (20 hours on a shaman) and I just found an ornate bronze lockbox while i was messing around at an archeology site. I’ve looked it up that I need to find a thief to open it for me or buy a skeleton key. The skeleton keys are insanely expensive for me (I have 55 gold and i’ve been selling everything i gather on the AH) and a thief was advertising 50 gold for opening two boxes.

Is there another way of getting the box open, and is it even worth it for my level and the level of the box?



Yes and no.

Rogue on your server.
Ask first.
Open trade and put on left side( not to be traded)
They will unlock it for you.
You too tip, but not required.

Low level toon 5 x their level the number on box. Silver is fine.

Welcome to game.


I appreciate the response! A really nice person switched to their rogue to hook me up (the lockbox ended up having junk lol) but they were super nice and gave me some gold as well as invited me to their guild. Loving this community so far :slight_smile:


next time, you can also ask in guild chat if there are any rogues o willing to open a box for you.

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This is something which I’ve wondered long ago, and the short answer is ‘No, lockboxes are worth less than the effort/time/tip needed to open them’.

Looking at the various loot tables, one can see that (unless you own a rogue) the contents of a lockbox will be worth [far] less than what a decent tip to give a rogue to unlock it for you would be – and that’s not even calculating the value of the time involved with finding a helpful rogue!

Lower level lock boxes can also be opened by either blacksmith made keys or engineer made seaforium charges. Both of which, can be found on the AH.

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