Lock threads after 30 days inactivity like the EU WoW forums

I’m going by the EU forum time frame and the EU time frame is 30 days.

I get confused when it happens and when reading stuff, it’s quite jarring.

Keep it on point please.

It appears the topic isn’t new either I found this thread


but why are you against people bumping an old thread? the only result of bumping an old thread is that it enters the view of people and urges people to comment on the topic of the thread.

what does a new thread do if it contains a reference to the old thread? yes it also puts the old topic into the vision of people and urges them to discuss the topic of that old thread.

same result, why is one ok but the other is not?

Go and bump a few old threads then. See how it goes.

i have commented on old threads to add a new suggestion to an older problem and haven’t had any issues with it.

also i have read old threads that have been posted in again and it didn’t bother me at all.

also there is currently an open thread on this subject already:

What the forums need is a thread auto-lock after certain time of inactivity - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

my opinion is that making a new thread on the same subject is not as effective as simply posting in the old thread on the same subject.

Dead as of September 2023. You’re… telling us to necropost?


The thread is inactive. it has been dead for well and truly over half a year. People have been actioned even for bumping a thread that died after as long as a month.


the thread is still open

You are being actively pedantic. The topic is “dead” (as in has not been actively discussed) since 9/27/2023. To use that same one would necro a post over six months old as of last post.

Don’t forget Vrakthris’ other part of that same quote, which you didn’t highlight: “it may fall under the category of “Trolling”, which is.”

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is the topic really dead, though?

we are discussing the exact same topic here in this thread, right?

yes and the most important part of that statement is it may

it is not inherently against the code of conduct to necro a thread.

Then treat it as it’s meant to be - a guideline as it is - and maybe don’t tell us to necro a thread that’s over 6 months from its last post?

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The forums cant change policies for a confused few.

Necroing is often reasonable.

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who explained that it is meant to be this way, though?

Care to explain?

in my opinion, necro’ing is perfectly fine as long as the “necro-post” is making a genuine attempt to continue the conversation in good faith.

which would fit with vrakthis’ statement that necroing is not inherently against the code of conduct.

now, if the “necro-post” in question was made in bad faith and has no purpose other than trolling, then yes it is against the code of conduct for being a trolling post.

but then that post is against the code of conduct because it is trolling and the fact that it is also a necro-post has no bearing on it being against the code of conduct.

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Just report and don’t engage. Let moderation deal with their own behaviour.

i just wanted to reference another forum that does not auto-lock threads.

the threads on Corsair’s forum are not auto-locked and i find it to be very helpful.

When i have a problem with one of my corsair peripherals, i search google and i am directed to a thread that discusses my issue.

it is very helpful for the corsair customer support to get the full picture when they can see the discussion from previous threads.

why is it preferable to create a new thread to discuss the same topic instead of just continuing the discussion in the same thread?

it honestly just seems like it is creating new threads for no reason.

i honestly and genuinely want to know:

what is so bad about posting in a thread that is over 30 days old? it doesn’t hurt anyone, it actually reduces clutter on the front page of the forums because no new threads are created simply for the purpose of discussing THE EXACT SAME TOPIC

i mean some threads theres a legit reason to bring it back up.

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