Lock LF Raiding/M+ guild

Returning player/reroll looking for active guild in both raiding and m+.
Current exp for atdh - aotc and 2/9m exp on old main, aotc and some mythic prog in all previous tiers. 2.9k io

Looking for community driven guild but still able to progress at a reasonable pace.
Available any day from 6pm to 1am est.

Discord - scaresx

Hello. We are an active alt guild and would love to have you join us. Our mains are in a Mythic raiding guild and we don’t mind if you do the same! Let me know if you are interested.

Hey man. Just sent you a friend request on discord. We should talk. I think you would fit right in with us

Hey, I added you on discord so we can chat :slight_smile:

still looking