Hey, we’re an Aff/Demo Warlock (425 ilvl, 60 neck) and Holy Paladin (423/58) pair looking for a mythic raiding guild. We are currently 678H, 8/8N TEP, with many pulls on M Shivara.
We are currently looking for DPS for The Eternal Palace to fill the rest of out roster to push the rest of heroic and start on mythic. Expectations of mythic raiders
Maintain Gem and Enchants on your gear
Have good attendance when it comes to mythic raiding (90% or above)
Able to communicate through voice chat
Able to take constructive criticism
Maintain knowledge about your class/spec
Know the fights ahead of time or at least have read a summary
Raid consumables (flasks) are covered as well as feasts. We expect raiders to maximize the use of these tools. Additionally, all raid repairs are paid by the guild bank.
Optional Tuesday
Tuesdays is our laid back raid night. It’s more of a loot grab for Alts. Casuals are encouraged to participate!
Current Recruitment
Just looking for a guild? Not looking to raid? Not geared to raid? Give us a try! We take casuals and under geared alike! Taking good people for good times!
Classes in high demand
Boomkin - Druid
Demon Hunter - Dps
Priest - Shadow
Shaman - Elemental Any exceptional player of any class always considered
If you have any questions feel free to contact one of our officers in game
Officers: Crocker#1180/Adz#1372/Little#1359
US-Area 52 - Horde
Focus: Semi-Hardcore Mythic Raiding and Dungeons 5/8H EP
Nevermore on Turalyon (A) is currently looking for a warlock and holy paladin to help round out our roster for mythic EP and beyond.
We are currently 2/8M 8/8H and our raid times are Thurs/Mon 8-11est.
We have been a guild for over 10 years now and have achievement multiple cutting edge achievements during that time. While we aren’t as hardcore as we once were, we pride ourselves on pushing progression on a strict 6 hour schedule in a laid back atmosphere.
If you are interested in joining or learning more, feel free to add me Glade#1825 or apply on our website www.nevermoreturalyon. com
Hi there we have core spots for both of you please take a look at this big ol’ wall o’ spam and get back to us if you like what you see =)
RoadRunners - 8/8M Uldir - 8/9M BFD - 2/8M EP
About our Guild:
Roadrunners formed at the start of Wrath and is one of the oldest guilds on kil’jaeden. Raiding on a short schedule(t/w/t 8-11pst), we are able to stay competitive by making effective use of our raid time. Loot is handled fairly with a loot council. We aim for a raiding roster of 25 players who are able to maintain a high level of play and attendance. We are looking for progression minded players who want to raid on a shorter schedule and achieve cutting edge every tier!
Our Raiders:
Roadrunners is full of mature players who love to play WoW. They have a great understanding of the game/class mechanics and are always willing to help new recruits out. Active alts are always encouraged and we even have a few alt raids that run every week. Many of our players are very avid gamers and play other games together outside of raid as well as m+!
About our Server:
Kil’jaeden has been around since Vanilla and has always been a high population server. The server is always busy with an active trade chat and auction house. Pug groups for raids and rbgs are constantly forming.
Apply with Roadrunner-Kil’Jaeden via our guild website
If you are accepted for trial you are expected to be in guild and ready to raid by the next reset. We provide a guild cauldron and feasts however if you need other stat food that is your responsibility. Trial periods typically last 2-4 weeks, during which you will receive plenty of raid time so that your play can be evaluated. We expect you have a working mic and are able to communicate clearly should something happen during an encounter. Being able to take constructive criticism is a must. We are looking for progression minded players who want to raid on a shorter schedule. Class knowledge and prior raid experience is a huge plus.
If you have any questions about joining our guild, feel free to pop on over to our server and ask. Our guild members and officers are always happy to speak to you. Thank you for taking your time to consider our guild
DiminishingReturns on Dalaran is currently recruiting for a core raid position. We are a 13-year-old Alliance raiding guild, focused on end game content.
Raid Times: Tuesday and Wednesday 8pm till 11pm est. (6 hrs. per week)
Current Progression:
EP 7/8 Heroic
BOD 6/9 Mythic 9/9 Heroic
Currently recruiting:
DPS: High Priority Warlock, Ranged DPS, Rogue, WW Monk
Healer: High priority Paladin,
Closed: Boomkins, Resto Shamans Most Melee Classes
I can be reached at my btag – Msgrimreaper#1894 or discord – Msgrim#5553
You can also add Geoza if I am not online - BTag Geo#1668
Hi Banebearry! Our guild’s name is called It Cant Be and we are on Zul’jin. We are looking for dedicated members to join our guild and our journey to achieve CE for Eternal Palace.
We are a bunch of IRL friends who have been playing since vanilla and finally decided to make our own raid! Our leaders are 8/9M BoD Exp and are looking for members to create a fun and outgoing raid environment while downing bosses as well. We are often on for mythic+ and some PVP daily.
For a guild that just started this patch we are currently 8/8N and 6/8H while carrying some pugs until we recruit to complete our roster!
Our raiding schedule is:
Tuesday 8-12pm EST
Thursday 8-12pm EST
Here is our link in case you want to view any extra details! Hope to hear from you!
SBF is a new guild to Mal’Ganis (alliance transfer), looking to fill a few spots as we head into 8.2. The goal is to make a quick push for CE as we form a competitive raid environment. We are made up of previous CE raiders (5/9M in BoD after about a month in, took a break). We are now back at full force and looking to get back to CE status on Mal’Ganis as we begin our push into M EP.
We are looking for a couple really solid dps and a healer to add to our roster. We like to have a competitive raid environment. Need to come to raid prepared and know how to play your class at a high level.
BoD: 5/9M, 9/9H, 9/9N
EP: 8/8H, 8/8N
We are also recruiting those looking to push M+. Many of us are 1300 io+
Raid Days
Tuesday 8:30pm-11:30pm EST
Wednesday 8:30pm-11:30pm EST
Sunday 8:00pm-11:00pm EST
Now Recruiting (4-5 Total):
Tanks (0): None
Healers (1): Holy Paladin, Disc Priest, Resto Shaman
DPS w/ Healer OS (1): Any non Holy Priest
Melee DPS (2): WW Monk, Demon Hunter, Death Knight
Ranged DPS (2): Shadow Priest, Elemental Shaman, Hunter, Balance Druid
If interested please contact one of the following:
Criv - Recruitment Lead / Assistant Raid Lead - Criv2016#1559
Davv - Guild Leader - Dav#1874
Kals - Raid Lead - Kalsyrus#1812
Tyrannosaurus Rekt is a Cutting Edge (CE) team founded just before Uldir. We are a close-knit group of players now raiding under Seraph’s banner who want to grow into the most successful 6-hour/week Mythic raiding team possible.
We are Currently looking for:
Wind Walker
Ele shaman
We raid two days a week
Sun/Mon 9-12 Server time (CDT)
Good attitude! We don’t like hanging out with Negative Nancy or Ragaholic Ryan.
ilvl 410+, neck level 50+ (or close enough), 7/9M experience or better in BDA (or previous relevant Mythic experience). We may consider exceptional applicants who are returning to raiding, and have great logs from previous tiers
You must know your raiding class/spec thoroughly well. We will deep dive your logs.
We don’t require alts, but if you choose to raid on one, you should play it well enough to not need coached by others.
We require 90%+ Attendance. You must bring your focus and A-game for those 6 hours every week. We raid on an ultra-light schedule, so your active participation and reliability are imperative for us to progress at an enjoyable and engagingly fast pace.
Still reading? Yay!
If you’re the kind of player who loves to run M+, post pictures of your cat/dog, or just really likes dinosaurs, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
It looks like you’re just about the same as far as EP progress as our guild, Safe Word, so I think we’d be a good fit. We are currently recruiting for our Wed/Mon (7-10 server time, so 10-1 your time) heroic progression team, which will be working on mythic soon! We do a lot outside of raid as well - m+, pvp, farm nights, etc.
Here’s our main recruitment post for more specific info about us:
I’ll send you a disc request, but I am reachable at Lyra#11630 on bnet and Esaora#3578 on disc. I hope to hear from you soon and wish you the best in finding a guild!
2 day Tues/Thurs 8-11EST 8/8H 1/8M on Bleeding Hollow US formed last tier in BfD obtaining CE Jaina looking for DPS that can play their class/spec well, meaning you can do good dps during progression while executing mechanics. The goal is to raid efficiently by learning and understanding the fights before raid so we minimize wasted time. If this interests you, contact me on discord at qyietstorm#1858 or on bnet at qyietstorm#1892 and we can talk more.
Hey Baneberry! I added you on Bnet, I’m not sure how flexible those raid hours are (I know for most not at all, but you both seem like you would be amazing additions to our team), but I also dropped spam here to see if it interests you!
Phobos is a guild on Zul’jin Horde looking to add more members for BoD and the future! We formed just this tier but already have a strong unit. We want to ultimately be one of the top 2-day guilds on our server. We value improvement over perfection, not expecting our players to instantly be perfect but instead be committed to improving something each pull. We aren’t an elitist mentality - we play the game to kill our pixel dragons and kill them quick, but we also want to have our fair share of laughs along the way.
About Us
We views ourselves as a community first and a raid team second. We run M+ daily with a variety of people looking to push keys as well as those who just want to get their weekly +10 done. Members also play a variety of games outside of WoW, giving something for everyone!
Raid Team Info
We raid Tuesday and Wednesday, 8-11 Eastern (also server time). Our recruiting needs are listed below. If you don’t see your class listed as a need we always consider any exceptional players. The team currently sits around 25 people, but the classes listed below are specs we want for higher flexibility and better composition. We take the “best 20” to progression, so if you feel you could be one of the best 20 feel free to apply regardless of class or need.
Hey dude [Sap N Tap] is re-tooling to make the push back into mythic. We’ve taken a break from mid 8.1 until now and need raiders back. Raid days are Tue/Wed 9p-12a EST, If you want to talk my B-net is Uther7052#1213 have a great day!
Just bumping to bump. These two look like pretty good players had to turn them down because I didnt have room but think they would be a good fit for any team.