As the title states, I am looking for a raiding guild for my alt character.
Please read this post in its entirety.
Currently, I am maining a Shadow Priest and I am 8/9 M, with several attempts on Jaina (we likely will clear to get CE!) The team I am raiding with raids only 1 night per week, specifically Tuesday nights.
I am looking to join another team for one of my alt characters, not my shadow priest. Please do not post if you raid on Tuesdays, as Tuesdays are specifically for my main character.
I have spent the entirety of WoW modifying my choice of character to whatever dps role a team needs. I have been a WoW player since Vanilla, and a raider since BC. Since then, i have performed as almost every single dps character. I strive to be the best I can be, but I am not perfect.
With that being said, I will link all of my characters below. My characters are by no means optomized but rest assured, I can have any character of a team’s choosing raid ready in ample time.
(Unfortunately I cannot post multiple links so I have added a “.” at the beginning of the URL to allow the links to at least be there. just remove the “.” at the beginning and you should be good to go!)
I am looking for a team that raids at most 2 days per week, and preferably does mythic raiding. As I said before, my alt characters are not geared but rest assured, I can get them raid ready and can compete in a mythic environment.
For any additional questions, please add me on Bnet Ace#15972