Lock and Load Nerf

Is anything being added in to fill the gap in the range hunter rotation or what? This feels really bad right now.


Take arcane shot off the same cd. Ez

Unfortunately they haven’t touched arcane shot at all in SoD. It’s still complete garbage and scales (poorly) off of SP.

I hope I’m wrong but I think the intent is to give Steady shot some utility. I’ve never used it since I got the rune.

Nope, nothing added as of yet. Ranged hunter rotation just got cut in half. It will not be viable in the state it’s in on ptr.

I feel for the hunters who keep having to swap between melee and ranged. It takes time for farm gear sets and bis, but I don’t think blizzard cares.

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I think blizzards goal is to get every hunter to re roll. Swapped my main to rogue last phase and am much happier.

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Hunters are probably were over performing on bwl/supression room trash. Which is clearly an important metric that people should care about and so it absolutely makes gut hunter and have them quit the game.

Give us back old raptor strike we still wouldn’t compete as melee. I just don’t understand how a 5% nerf on a class that is already middle of the pack damage (in full bis btw people dont mention that but hunter tier is free so everyone is giga geared and they are still being outperformed) isn’t enough. The lock and load nerf is mostly a single target nerf anyway. Why?

I don’t think I’ve been more negative on a patch than this. I just feel defeated at this point. Hunter was going to fall off anyway. We still don’t scale well compared to other classes.

Before anyone says “pvp” as if it exists in sod. Disable traps and ranged weapons in pvp I do not care. I bet they forget to add rank 11 even next patch let alone 12 so what does pvp matter?

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steady shot is a dead rune because you will always choose expose weakness. this nerf need to be reverted because it seriously messes with the hunter range rotation. making it feel bad to play and also nerfing damage hugely.

Not gonna lie here. As a melee hunter who has been a melee hunter since p2 I’m kinda laughing pretty hard at all the ranged hunters who had it easy this phase for their numbers.

Welcome to what we went through at the beginning of phase 4. The devs don’t know how to balance the only pure dps class of sod.

Hunter is a literal yoyo of what’s stronger? Melee or ranged? Tune in next week!

Sorry fam, ranged got the shaft this round.

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So sad. Melee only had two phases of brainless domination.

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If the channel for Volley were to be removed (when using Improved Volley), that could fill the gap in the hunter rotation. With the recent buffs on the PTR it would scale with 30% of ranged attack power. Not the most impressive damage, but it fills the gap while letting you continue to do a solid rotation.

Biggest thing they could do would be put frost trap back on launcher since they added dr to entrapment, but they ain’t that birght. No hope they’ll get this right either.

so you choose to play a meme retail spec and think you have any say about REAL hunters?

This just goes to show you that the devs dont play the game!!! The fact that blizz has NERFED hunters no less then 2 times per phase every phase is stupid!!! besides the part where hunters are the last SOLE DPS class it shouldnt be a surprise that theyre at the top of the meters where they should be!!!

Well the change was reverted. Thank you Blizz

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I was totally against Melee until i actually played it and found out how much stupid fun and pet based that it was.