Local Time display on Mini Map

Does it need to be suggested? :thinking:

that would imply that gamers lose track of time while playing and need something to give them a quick reminder :wink:

Maybe their on a server that’s in a different time zone.
Of course they probably have a time piece besides their PC to look at but if your playing glancing at a clock on the screen is easier.
Wanting to know the current time may be important.

If only there were other ways to tell what your local time is.


Don’t you guys have phones???



That thing has been there since BC - get over yourself.

Play windowed mode and use pc clock, time right on screen at all times, problems solved :slight_smile:

Well its a good thing this is classic then!



I don’t want to, it looks horrible.

Doesn’t matter either way. Will be an addon to add or remove it.

I play Windowed Fullscreen mode and just mash the Windows key.

Brings up the start menu and task bar which has local time on it at bottom right.

Also Titan has a Classic version which you can config to show local time

No, a genuine classic WoW experience needs to cause players to lose their jobs due to lost track of time.

Everybody knows that.

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If you’re that bad at time management, you probably don’t have a job anyway. More time for WoW!

But to stay on topic; what does mousing over the day/night icon on the mini map show? Just server time? I feel like I had an addon in Vanilla which displayed the time at some point… maybe something for titan panel or CT mod.

#nochanges buy a watch

Why do you care about time in WoW:Classic? Odds are you will lose your job, wife and family to it, so who cares?

This was one of the things I could have sworn was back in vanilla. If it were added in BC I could see how I would have thought that. I’m sure there will be mods to this though and I’d be fine with that.


Hahaha, I couldn’t help myself! :smile:

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Two words. Titan Panel.